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Nobody Should Cry At My Funeral

Nobody Should Cry At My Funeral

I still remember the last time I saw my grandfather alive. Diabetes had paralyzed his body, and he could only move his left hand and head. He lived like that for 4 years, but he never lost hope. He always thought that somehow he would recover and life would be normal...
You Do NOT Need Confidence To Approach Girls

You Do NOT Need Confidence To Approach Girls

“You say in your book that confident men turn women on. However, I am not confident with women. What should I do? Should I never approach a girl until I become confident?” This is a question I got from one of my clients, and it is an excellent question.  Indeed...
7 Reasons Your Girl Will Cheat On You

7 Reasons Your Girl Will Cheat On You

Do you want to know why your girl could cheat on you? Do you want to avoid the humiliating and painful experience of catching your “princess” naked in someone else’s arms? Then, read this article carefully multiple times. Because it can really save your...