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I admit it, I am guilty.

For many years I committed the greatest crime:

I was a “nice guy” too!

I saw women as fairy tale princesses, put them on a pedestal, and kissed their arses.

I thought that men who wanted only sex were animalistic, “immoral” and that they “corrupted” innocent girls.  

And NO!

I would never be like them!

I was different…

I was better!

I treated every woman like a little princess. I did everything in my power to never upset this sensitive creature!

Unfortunately, life seemed to be unfair…

Instead of appreciating my kindness and “moral superiority”, they preferred always to have me as a “friend” and give their heart (and their pussy) to some jerk.

What bothered me even more, was that they seemed to always be chasing these “bad boys” who didn’t give a shit about them.

How can this be possible? What is wrong with women today?

Why do they chase guys that treat them like dirt and don’t appreciate men that love and respect them?

I have thought about this bullshit for a long time.

And I say bullshit because it is nonsense.

Listen to me carefully:

Erotic desire and sex have nothing to do with romance.

They have nothing to do with fantastic ideals, good intentions, and “nice guys”.

Erotic desire and sex have to do primarily with animal instincts.

Sex has to do with power.

Of course, you will say that there are many men who are not that strong that still get a ton of pussy.

This is because erotic attraction has many switches, but this is another discussion…

For now, keep in mind that the primary way a girl gets horny is when she sees a powerful male.

But what does erotic desire have to do with power in particular?

Because the game we are playing is very serious. The reproduction and survival of our species depend on it.

Thus, if you are not qualified, you will never attract girls, even if you are the nicest guy. That is the cold reality.

The image of romantic love, as many of us understand it today, was born in the Victorian era in the early 19th century in Western Europe.

It was an idea that was created by people who were sexually dissatisfied. Because if you are sexually satisfied, you do not see things romantically, you see them as they are, realistically.

You write poems to a girl you can’t get. You see the nice ass you can’t have, you get horny and fantasize. If you have this nice ass, if you can fuck it, again and again, every day, you don’t have the energy nor the motivation to write poems.

So get over this romantic crap and let’s move on.

Because if you insist on playing the “knight” and the “nice guy” be prepared to pay a heavy price.

Do you want to write poems and become a great poet or do you prefer to have the nice naked ass in your bed?

You decide.

And to be totally frank, “nice guys” aren’t that nice.

Think for a minute…

Are “nice guys” really good or is there a different kind of game they are playing?

Could it be that being “nice” is just another mating strategy for weak males?

Could it be that a nice guy is only a man who thinks that he can’t beat the competition and thus he plays it nice to earn some points?

Essentially “Mr. Nice Guy” is a weak male that doesn’t believe he can get pussy any other way.

He doesn’t know how to make a woman interested in him. He can’t make her horny nor does he know how to guide her to his bed.

So he is willing to do everything to get her.

But women are not stupid… they know what is happening…

She knows by instinct that the “nice boy” is just weak and that makes her pussy drier than the Sahara desert.

The nice guy too knows deep down that he is a hypocrite.

He wants a girl because his animal instincts demand it. Because he likes her “beautiful face, ass, breasts”. Not out of “romance”. If she weighed 322 kilos and stank, I don’t think that he would have very romantic thoughts about her.

Thus, the nice guy is in reality one of the worst types of man that a woman should feel attracted to.

And that is the main reason those nice guys can’t get enough pussy.

She can keep you as a friend of course (if you are “nice”) to take advantage of you but for God’s sake, she won’t give you her pussy even in a photo!

Unless of course she is also very desperate or has low self-esteem.

In conclusion, it is very right and fair that “nice guys” can’t attract girls. The world doesn’t need more weak hypocrites who can’t face reality.

The world needs more men.

Men who know how to face life. That can handle a woman and lead her to their bed…

What does a woman really see in your eyes when you look at her? A lion that will tear her into pieces or a little child that craves attention?

If you are another “nice kid” and you think that life is unfair to you, I want you to get up and look for a minute in the mirror.

Give your face a punch and wake up.

STOP telling this bullshit to yourself. See the truths as it is, stop humiliating yourself, and become the man you should be.

If you want to learn more tips on how to change your mentality with women, go here and subscribe to my mailing list: