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I still remember how anxious I was the night before my first buttcamp. I could hardly sleep. I thought that the next day my romantic life would change forever…

My experience with the dating coach was actually a positive one. He was very helpful and taught me some good stuff. We went together to bars and clubs and flirted with many girls. With his help, I even managed to get some contacts from chicks!

Oh boy, I was excited!

However, the truth is, I didn’t become good at seduction because of the days I spent on this buttcamp. 

In reality, this event didn’t help my progress at all!

The main secret to my success was that I practiced flirting for a long period. 

You see, it takes time and practice to become great with pussy.

Seduction is an art. 

If you want to master this art, you need to practice. 

It is like becoming great at martial arts. 

You must follow the right diet, train regularly every week and with the right master to become good at it. The same principle applies to flirting. You must train a lot, often and have a great mentor on your side for a long period.

I know that buttcamps are popular. 

But let’s be honest:

They are popular because the gurus make thousands of dollars in a few days. And because the student thinks that someone else will solve his problem fast.

This, in reality, never happens.

I have never seen a great player who became great because of a buttcamp.

A buttcamp is an event. 

And I know you love events. 

They are exciting, right? 

Learn a lot in a short time and jumpstart your road to success!

However, that isn’t how reality works.

In real life, there is a process for everything. 

When you see a famous martial artist winning a fight, it is a flashy event. What you don’t see are the thousands of hours of training alone he has done. 

You don’t see the process.

Buddy listen…

You can NOT master something as complicated as flirting and seduction in a few days. Period. It took me years to get my shit together and master this art.

That is for today…

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