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One day, I heard a woman screaming and moaning as I went up the stairs to my flat.

The noise came from my neighbor’s apartment. He had moved there a few weeks before and had a lovely girlfriend who visited him often.

The last guy who lived in this apartment stayed there for 5 years.

Not a single time did a woman visit him, nor did I hear a chick moaning as long as he rented the flat.

That man was always alone.

Do you want to know why the new guy has a nice girlfriend while the old dude never got laid?

When the new guy sees you, he smiles, looks into your eyes, and always talks to you. The old guy avoided eye contact at all costs, never smiled, and always rushed to hide in his apartment because he didn’t like talking to anybody. He lived next to my door for 5 years, yet I have no clue who he was! He might be a great guy. He might be a far greater guy than the new one. But I don’t know it because he never gave me the chance to figure it out.

I am an introvert too!

I get that if you are like that, usually you don’t like talking to people and prefer hiding in your cave doing introverted stuff.

However, being social with people is mandatory.

Because if you aren’t, you will miss a lot:

– Great friends.

– Business opportunities.

– And pussy.

You will lose many amazing opportunities with girls if you aren’t social and friendly.

Women don’t know who you are and don’t give a shit about it. They have a lot of options. They will stare at you and judge you instantly. If you are inside your head and avoid contact, you will be invisible to them. Literally, it will be like you don’t exist because you won’t make them feel anything.

If you are a great guy but behave like my old neighbor, you do a huge disservice to yourself…

And don’t wonder why never a girl is interested in you.

It is your responsibility to reveal yourself to the world and show how amazing you are.

Being a great guy isn’t enough.

You must promote yourself to people and the opposite sex.

And it isn’t that difficult.

Start by doing the simple things:

Have eye contact with everybody, smile often, talk at every opportunity, and see the opportunities in your life multiply.

If you are a great guy, it is your duty to show it to everyone.

That is for today.

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