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I got a message from a guy who complained that all women avoided him. He approaches girls frequently, he tries to flirt, but chicks avoid him like the plague! The poor guy was confused and didn’t know what he was doing wrong…

He was doing “ok” in other areas of his life (had a decent job, a few good friends, and took care of his health) but with women, he was a complete failure.

Buddy listen…

If you have similar issues…

If no woman responds positively when you are flirting with her, this happens for two reasons: 

Number one (the easy one): Your style is awful!

I see men walking around in clothes their mother would have picked for them 15 years ago! 

Let’s be honest, most of us don’t bother that much about styling and grooming.

But women notice!

They care a lot about the way you are dressed. 

Men who are well dressed and have a nice style stand out like a fart in the elevator. Therefore, read men’s fashion magazines, watch how celebrities are dressed, and always have an eye around you for stylish men. 

I know it is a pain in the gluteus assimus, but believe me…

It’s worth it, and it will make a difference in the way girls respond to you.

Number two (the tough one): The way you feel about yourself or women is problematic.

Maybe you have some self-esteem issues. 

Maybe your belief system is awful. 

Maybe you have some serious BS in your brain about women.

You see a nice girl and your first thought is that she is “out of your league.” You want to talk to her, but before you even approach, you have decided that she will reject you.

Well, if you are like that, things are “complicated”. 

No lines, no tactics, no method can save you.

Even if you learn the best seduction tricks from the best seducers that walked on this planet, you still will be a failure with women. 

Girls will see you, feel negative and uncomfortable, and reject you instantly.

Regardless of what you do or say.

Whatever you do will be meaningless.

Because you will fight a lost battle. 

Pay close attention to the prophecy of buddy Phoenix! 

I know what I’m talking about.

Flirting with the wrong mindset is like flirting after you have eaten a gyros pita. 

Do you know what a gyros pita is?

It is the traditional Greek junk food, and it is delicious! However, it has raw onions and tzatziki in it. And tzatziki has garlic. A lot of garlic. Therefore, every time you open your mouth after you have eaten a gyros pita, you stink terribly! It is exactly like that when you have serious inner issues and try to flirt. You stink regardless of what you say or do, and women are repulsed!

The good news is that magical things can happen if you fix your inner issues, even to a degree. You will be able to attract nice girls even without doing much. 

Believe me. 

I know what I am talking about because I went thru this.

That’s why you should take some time to think. 

Think about it. 

What is your problem really?

Do you simply don’t know what to say or do in a woman’s presence, or is something else (something more serious) robbing you of your success?

That is it for today.

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