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When I was young and inexperienced with women, I treated pretty girls like goddesses. I tried to be super kind and did everything in my power to please them.

Unfortunately, no woman seemed to appreciate this. 

Despite every chick telling me that I was a nice guy, they never were interested in doing something “spicier” with me.

Because of this fact, after a while, I began to build resentment and anger towards women.

And after a few years of being a loser, I decided to become an asshole.

This decision was not only emotional but also rational.

It was rational because I saw men that didn’t give a shit about women and mistreated them to have clicks chase them regularly. Additionally, many dating experts I followed back then used to promote this behavior: “Treat women like dirt, and they will love you for it.”

And so I became a little jerk with girls.

After being a nice guy and a jerk in my life, let me tell you this:

Neither of these two approaches will bring you happiness with ladies.

If you are a nice guy who thinks that women are magical creatures and treat them like queens, women will simply perceive you as weak.

If you are an asshole that treats women badly, you will attract only psychologically damaged, toxic chicks. Yes, you will be more successful than the nice guy and will get laid occasionally, but in the end, you will become miserable and hate women even more. This is a very dark path, so be careful…

Buddy, listen…

You won’t find salvation and happiness in either one of these two extremes.

You will attract the best quality women and build the happiest relationships only if you are an “asshole gentleman.”

What is an “asshole gentleman?”

Well, it is a strong man who loves and respects women. A man who takes care of and protects them. However, he does this from a position of strength. He does it on his own terms, and if the situation demands it, he can become an asshole in seconds. And you must be an asshole sometimes because every woman needs a small (or big) dose of assholeness occasionally. Even women with the best self-esteem need their men to be jerks from time to time.

It is not politically correct.

It is not nice.

But believe me…

It works like crazy.

Being an “asshole gentleman” served me well over the years.

I seduced many beautiful high-quality women that way, and when in a relationship, I kept their sweet vagina very wet because of this.

That is the lesson for today.

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