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Text game doesn’t exit.

It is a lie.

You can’t seduce a woman with texts.

Here is why:

Seduction isn’t done in a vacuum. Seducing a girl is about reading and interpreting her responses and acting accordingly. This can’t be done through texting because you have no clue what she really feels or how she reacts to your shit. You can’t see her facial expressions, body language, etc. Women are master deceivers. They will say one thing and mean something else. Words are cheap.

To get what a woman really wants to say, you must look at her feelings and behavior. This is impossible to do with “text game .”You just try to assume things based on the words she wrote.

And assumptions are the most dangerous things for a player.

A real player knows.

He doesn’t assume.

For example, let’s say you met a girl in real life.

And the next day, you send her a text message.

First of all, that is what most guys would do. So, you become instantly like most guys. This is a bad start. You don’t want to be like the average guy she meets nor do the same things.

Secondly, you have no clue how she feels to act accordingly. You simply send her shit blindly or the stuff you bought from some dating guru that works with “all women,” and in “all situations” (yes, man… I too would like life to be that easy…) and hope it will somehow work.

And in the end, you realize that you exchanged a gazillion messages with the chick, and it leads nowhere.

Yes, awesome…

But imagine if you called her instead.

You would be one of the few bold men who did it.

(It is amazing, isn’t it? We live in an era now where calling a chick is an act of courage. That is how weak we have become as men)

Anyway, if you call her, you can hear her voice.

And by hearing her voice, you have a clue about how she really feels. You know if she likes something you said or not. Plus, you can use your voice tonality to send the right message.

There was a girl once I called that pretended to be ok, but in reality, she was sad. I got it from her voice and asked about it. She confessed that something had happened that ruined her day. I showed empathy, which led to a great connection between us. And, of course, my job of getting a date with her became like a walk in the park.

Would I notice her real emotional state if we talked through text messages?

Most likely not, and in the end, I would wonder why my “attraction building texts” didn’t work!

But what if you meet a girl online?

Well, in reality, there isn’t much text game either.

A woman you meet online is attracted to you because of your profile. She saw in your pictures that you are handsome, have a six-pack, are nicely dressed, demonstrate an attractive lifestyle, etc.

That is why she is really attracted to you.

Not because of the texts you send her.

The only thing she wants to see in your texts is that you are a normal person and won’t kill her if she meets you. She wants to feel secure. And I really believe this isn’t rocket science. You don’t need “special text messages” to achieve that.

But if that is the case, why do so many dating experts sell texting products?

Because most men believe they work and want them!

And many are happy to sell just what their clients want.

Yet, I can’t do the same.

If I believe that something is horseshit, I won’t sell it. I have struggled so much with chicks in my early days. I have felt so much pain… I know how it is. I know you suffer, and therefore, I will only recommend you stuff I really believe in.

So, buddy, if you want to see results. If you want to get the girls you crave, forget about text game. Game is done in real life. That is where the magic really happens. Of course, sometimes, texting works. But never forget that this happens because the woman likes you so much. It is irrelevant what you say.

So, don’t bother with it.

Focus on becoming good at seducing girls in real life because, in reality, seduction is done face to face.

That is for today.

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