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Today you will learn the obscure and bizarre teddy bear approach method that will help you approach any girl, so pay close attention to the story:

One day, I went to Monastiraki in Athens to see Dimitris, a friend and one of the five Titans of Seduction. He had already arrived at the coffee shop and was waiting for me. When I went inside the shop and saw him, I was disappointed. The place was overcrowded, and everyone sat very close to one another. 

Next to us sat a group of guys in their late twenties, and because they were sitting so close to us, it was like we sat together with them!

We could easily hear all the topics they discussed.

The main topic of discussion was obviously about chicks. They looked hungrily at every girl inside the coffee shop, talked about how to pick up girls, and at the same time complained by saying stuff like:

“Women today are sluts.”

“They are strange.”

“They are snobs.”

Usually, I never intervene when I see guys talking about ladies. But I couldn’t control myself this time because I heard too much nonsense. So, I started talking to them, and the following discussion happened:

Phoenix: I am sorry to interrupt you, but I listened to your discussion without my intent because we sit so close. It seems that you are very interested in girls, isn’t it so? Why don’t you just try something to meet a woman instead of talking so much?

After I said the last line, one of the guys stared at me aggressively and said:

He: Where should we meet women? Don’t you know how girls are today?

Phoenix: How are they?

He: Every chick thinks it has a golden pussy and plays it hard to get. 

Phoenix: And because of that, you can’t approach women?

He: Of course, I can’t. What shit is that? Where should I approach them here?

Phoenix: Why not here? Aren’t any women inside this place?

He: You are kidding me? How should I approach them in a coffee shop? It is impossible!

Dimitris sat all the time quietly, and when he heard the phrase “it is impossible,” he stared at me and said:

“Show them how it is done.”

I immediately began to screen the place carefully and thought for a second…

Then I called the waiter and asked for a small piece of paper and a pen. When he brought them, I turned to the guy next to me who said it was impossible to approach girls here and said:

Can you draw a teddy bear, please?

He was surprised by my bizarre request and hesitated…

But in the end, he began to draw a teddy bear!

As he was preparing his masterpiece, I continued to observe the place and finally spotted my target! It was an attractive young girl that sat nearby on a couch together with two female friends. 

I took the piece of paper with the teddy bear from the guy, wrote “I love you” on its belly, folded the paper, and went to the three girls. I greeted them politely, stared at my target, smiled, and gave her the piece of paper. She thought I had given her my phone number, so she smiled and put it into her purse.

When I saw this, I told her:

“It is not what you think… have a look at it.”

She took the paper out of her bag, opened it, and when she saw the teddy bear, she began to laugh. She showed it to her friends, and they began to laugh all together. One of them even asked me playfully to make another teddy bear for her! I replied that first, they should introduce themselves to me, and I sat on the couch next to my target. My girl’s name was Cleopatra. I stayed with the girls for about 5 minutes, chatted a little bit, Cleopatra gave me her phone number, and then I returned to Dimitris. 

The group of guys that sat next to us was astonished! They bombarded me with questions. They asked how I did it, what I said, etc., and I replied that the teddy bear was the secret! 

If they could draw teddy bears who say “I love you,” they would always approach girls successfully!

Then, I became serious and began to explain what actually led to my success. 

One of the things the teddy bear really did was create a strong emotion from the start. That, my buddy, is huge. If you can immediately make the woman you approach feel a strong emotion, you will have her attention. And if you have her attention, you have the chance to seduce her.

That is it for today.

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