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I once received a call from Panagiotis, an old friend. 

Panagiotis didn’t live in Athens then and would come to the city for a few days. He asked to see me and wanted me to show him how to approach girls on the street. He had learned about my heroic deeds in picking up unknown women and desired to see how it was done. 

Panagiotis was a tall and handsome man who was doing ok with women. However, he had never flirted with girls on the street and wanted to learn this kind of game too.

I happily agreed to show him how to approach girls, and we met in Syntagma square in the center of Athens. This place is crowded, and you can usually find attractive women to approach very fast.

However, the day we met, I hadn’t slept well. 

My energy was low, and I wasn’t in the mood to talk to girls!

Plus, Panagiotis was very anxious. 

Therefore nothing went according to plan. 

I bought a coffee to wake up and started slowly approaching some girls. 

Yet the girls weren’t interested in talking to me. 

Instead, they just ignored me like I was invisible. 

We were walking on the street, and no girl seemed interested in chatting. We stared at them, and they looked away. We approached them, and they didn’t want to talk.

It was a mess.

Luckily, after some failed attempts, I began to wake up.

Maybe the coffee began to do its work. Maybe the failed attempts helped me warm up.

Who knows…

The fact is that I gained my superpowers back. 

I became big, green, and strong again.

I started to magnetize women with my gaze, and when I approached them, they were open and excited. I started taking my first contacts from girls. Panagiotis saw that, and his heart was filled with courage. I opened the girls, and then he came to join the conversion. Then he stepped outside his comfort zone and started approaching girls alone too! 

After an hour or so, we met a lot of interesting girls and made many contacts.

And we had a lot of fun too!

Finally, exhausted from the many approaches, we sat on a bench in Syntagma square and stared at girls walking by. Then something unbelievable happens. I still remember this day. We were in a crowded place with a lot of people walking around us. Yet many girls noticed us, even if we sat on the bench, and stared at us sexually. We even stood up and chatted to some of them occasionally. 

It was unbearable. 

When we first started approaching, no chick gave us any interest indicators. No girl stared at us. Yet now, many did, even if we were just sitting on a bench on the side of the square.

This is huge, my buddy.

You see, we were the same people, wearing exactly the same clothes. 

Yet we received different treatment from women at the start than we received in the end. 

What made the difference between girls staring at us with lust and not staring at us was just our vibe. At first, we were anxious, and our energy was low. So no woman gave a shit about us. Then we were supper confident and relaxed, and women noticed that. 

Therefore, don’t wonder why no woman stares at you or gives you a chance when you approach her if your vibe sucks. This is the most important factor in approaching strangers. 

Fix the way you feel, and many things will happen magically. 

I guarantee you that.

That is it for today.

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