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I am sure you heard of Genghis Khan, the great Mongol warlord who unleashed the greatest conquest cataclysm in world history. He built the greatest empire by land mass the world has seen and, in the process of doing so, killed around 40 million people.

If that number isn’t impressive enough, consider that it is around 10% of the world population at his time!

It is even said that killing so many people caused global climate change!

If these achievements aren’t impressive enough, it is speculated that he slept with tens of thousands of women in his life, and 16 million people today are his direct descendants! 

Even this day, his name is associated with conquest, fear, destruction, and terror.

But surprisingly, even this “monster” had a soft side for his first wife Borte. He married her when he was 16 years old. But, unfortunately, only shortly after, a hostile Mongol tribe, the Merkits, attacked his camp ad kidnapped his wife.

Kidnapping women from other tribes was a common practice in 12 century Mongolia. The father of Genghis Khan had even kidnapped his mother from the Merkit tribe many years ago. As you see, back then, things were much, much easier! You didn’t have to approach and date women. You simply chased with your horse and kidnapped the girl you liked!

What an amazing era!

Ok, all jokes aside…

The poor young Genghis was devastated.

He said that his breast was “torn apart,” and his bed was “made empty.”

Fortunately, with the help of some friends, he organized an attack on the Merkit camp and took back his wife.

However, Borte had been captive for 8 months, and the chief who captured her took her as his wife…

So, when 9 months after her rescue, she gave birth to her first son Jochi. Nobody was sure who the father was! Yet, Genghis loved Borte and knew that this wasn’t her fault. Therefore, he let Jochi remain with his family and raised him as his own son.

And even if Genghis has taken multiple wives and concubines in his lifetime, only Borte won his heart and was the only wife that heavily influenced his decisions on several occasions.

So, even he had his “special” girl!

Do you know why?

Because it is in our nature to connect deeply and truly love a woman that is a great match for us. 

It amuses me when I see some dating gurus claiming you should never trust and love women. That only beta males love women, and the alpha never gives his heart to a chick.

It really amuses me…

Do they are more badasses than Genghis Khan and all the other great men in history who fell in love with a woman?

I don’t think so…

I think the guys who teach this nonsense are afraid of truly contenting and trusting women because they have their own issues and insecurities.

And I truly believe that one part of the male psyche needs the love and affection of one “special” girl. You may be a conqueror that wants to go in bed with multiple women, but at the same time (if you are honest with yourself), you crave to find “the one.” That is how reality is, and you shouldn’t be ashamed of that. Nor should you believe that you are less of an “alpha” because you feel that way.

I won’t lie to you. 

It was fucking fantastic when I played the Casanova game and slept with many women. But it was also great when I found my “special” girl and settled in an amazing relationship with her.

You are a conqueror but at the same time crave “the one.”

Never forget that.

That is for today.

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