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The big attraction hoax

One of the greatest seduces I ever met, and one of the five Titans of Seduction (the 5 legends that influenced my game the most), was Spiros. 

Spiros was big and magnificent.

He was like the Hulk. 

A tall, muscular man that never lost a chance to flirt with women. Spiros wasn’t that good-looking but made women extremely horny because he was very masculine. This man was the most confident badass you could imagine, and he slept with a different woman almost every day. I met Spiros in his early 40s when he already had 30 years of experience and had seduced thousands of women.

One day, as we walked together on the street near the beach, we met a gorgeous afro-american tourist girl. This chick had a beautiful face, a fit body, with an unbelievable sexy butt. 

Her ass was really a masterpiece of nature.

Spiros didn’t lose a second. 

He approached her and began flirting instantly. 

Things escalated fast (as usually with Spiros), and he left with the girl towards her hotel. I was sure that he would sleep with her…

However, I saw him the next day and was surprised to learn that nothing had happened. She didn’t want to give him her sweet little pussy for whatever reason. 

“If Spiros didn’t manage to get her, she must be very difficult to seduce!” 

I thought!

I was only 19 years old back then, and soon I would learn how ignorant I was…

Because a few days later, another friend of us, Andreas, met the same girl in a bar. 

Andreas was just an ordinary guy.

He had nothing special to attract women.

In reality, you could say that he was an ugly dude.

Nevertheless, he had some “conquests” regularly because he was constantly flirting.

He approached every girl he liked with extreme boldness. Andreas didn’t care about a woman’s opinion because he was recently divorced. He caught his wife cheating with his best friend, and after that incident, he lost both his wife and best friend. As you can imagine, after that, he didn’t give a shit about anything anymore, and he simply approached every girl he liked without hesitation. 

So, the night he saw the sexy chick with the amazing ass, he approached her and began flirting. He seduced her fast without even trying that much, and they ended up doing naughty stuff in the bar’s bathroom.

Even if most women chose to have sex with Spiros this girl voted for Andreas.


Who knows why…

And who cares!

Real-life isn’t what many dating experts preach. There isn’t a formula for getting any woman you desire. Many girls will never sleep with you. I know there is this myth out there that if your game becomes good enough, you will get a taste of every pussy you crave. But let me assure you, friend, that this belief is crap.

It is a lie spread by charlatans interested only in taking your precious money.

Even legendary players that flirt for decades and have seduced thousands of women can’t get any girl they desire. 

So, if you like a particular woman and think that you will get her by using the X or Z technique, I will disappoint you.

There is a big chance that you will never seduce her, regardless of what you do.

Because the only thing you can really do is influence a woman’s behavior. 

You can never control her decision.


And with that said, stop obsessing about getting a particular girl (which you do not control), and start obsessing about becoming every day a little bit better at flirting (which you control). Some girls will respond and some not, but as you become a better player, you will see more and more ladies attracted to you.

That is for today…

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