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You live in an era of chaos.

The world of peace and order you knew is over. Now the earth is going thru a period of turbulence. I don’t want to frighten you, but your future will become much shittier. With more pain, more misery, and more instability. 

There are many reasons why this is happening. But one of the main causes is weak males. Great masculine men create order and prosperity. But there aren’t many great men today. Just look at every country in the west. Do you see any great leader guiding his country in a glorious future? I don’t think so. The only thing you will find is corrupt and incompetent politicians that try to fulfill only their own greedy needs. These people live in a parallel universe and have no idea nor give a fuck about how life is for you.

In such a world, you will face multiple crises in your life.

And that is why I want to give you a big present today. I want to share with you the 4 steep foolproof formula that helped me overcome any major problem in my life. 

These 4 steps are simple but powerful. If you apply them, they will help you overcome any obstacle you face. So, read the flowing paragraphs very carefully: 

1) Disconnect. 

When you are facing a big issue, disconnect from everything. Don’t look at social media. Close your TV, and if you can’t do it, sell your devices or smash them! 

Then, stop talking to people that are negative and afraid. They will make you only more desperate and helpless. 

I don’t care if your problem is personal or a big catastrophe that influences everyone. I don’t care if King Kong destroys New York and Godzilla Tokyo. 

You must disconnect from everything, calm down and clear your mind. 

That is the first step, then…

2) Accept what you don’t control.

What is out of your control? 

You can’t do anything if your boss fires you or if the government shuts down your business because of a new virus.  

You can’t do anything if your girl cheated on you with your best friend.

You can’t. 

These are sad things, but you have no control and can’t change them. Therefore, just accept what happened even if it is the worst thing in the world.

3) Have some gratitude. 

Even if you have no money, your girl left you, or you have a serious disease, you still have something.

Maybe you have some good friends that support you.

Maybe your parents will help you.

Maybe you are just alive.

Find this something and feel gratitude about it. Think about the people who had to face far worse situations than you and be grateful for your life. It is essential to feel gratitude because it immediately changes the perception of reality to the positive. And you must think positive if you want to drag yourself out of the pit with shit you are in.  

4) What can you do to turn things around? 

Make a plan. 

There are things you can do short-term and long-term. 

For example, if you are unemployed, broke, and desperate, you can:

A) Apply for every job that will help you survive now.

B) Learn a new skill that will help you to build your own business in the future or get a better job later.  

If your girlfriend left you, women seem like a mystery to you, and you have trouble getting new pussy:

A) Find some social activity to do so you can interact and meet new chicks now. Only being close to new options will give you hope and make you feel better.

B) Learn game and seduction. Find someone you trust that can teach you these things and learn everything you can from him.  

Please read all 4 steps again carefully.

Did you read them again?

If not, just do it. 

Because in these simple 4 steps lies the solution to all your life’s problems. 

That is for today.

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