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I still remember the last time I saw my grandfather alive. Diabetes had paralyzed his body, and he could only move his left hand and head. He lived like that for 4 years, but he never lost hope. He always thought that somehow he would recover and life would be normal again.

However, this time he behaved differently.

It seemed like after 4 long years of suffering he eventually accepted his fate.

Before I left his room, he told me:

“Next time you will come to the town to visit me, I will be dead. But it is ok. I want nobody to cry at my funeral because I have lived my life. Do you hear me? Nobody should cry at my funeral because I lived like I wanted to live.”

I didn’t believe then he would die, but he was correct.

Only a few months later, my grandfather left.

His funeral wasn’t a normal one.

Indeed nobody was crying.

Even his children and brothers were telling adventures from his unusual life, jokes, and all laughed.

They laughed because they knew this man had lived his life on his own terms. He grew up extremely poor, became rich in an era only a few people had money in Greece, lost everything and died poor again. Yet he didn’t care. He always lived his life to the fullest, did extreme things, and died with ZERO regress.

At his funeral, I was 17 years old and always thought about his last words:

“Nobody should cry because I have lived my life.”

And realized that the worst thing that can happen isn’t death but not living while you have the chance.

From this day on, I told myself that I would live as I chose.

And when the day to die comes, I will leave with no regrets like my grandfather.

I knew I wouldn’t be okay with myself if I died as the man who couldn’t get laid. I wanted to sleep with a lot of beautiful women. I was greedy for pussy. So I did that for a decade. I learned game, flirted like there was no tomorrow, and slept with many beautiful ladies.  

Then, I knew that I would regret not having a family. So I settled with one amazing girl, and now we have a beautiful daughter together.

Finally, I knew I wanted to have an impact on the world. To help men live a better life, to get the women they deserve. So I started sharing what I learned about women, dating, and relationships.

I did all these things because I want to live to my fullest potential.

And with no regrets.

Now it is your turn, my friend.

How do you want to live your life so you have no regrets on your deathbed?

Because the end will come,

And dying without living is the most terrifying thing that can happen to you.

That is for today.

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