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Today I will reveal to you a secret.

I will reveal the strategy that made it possible for me to find the amazing girl I am now married to.

What is this mysterious strategy?

I simply went from one date to another until I found exactly what I was looking for. I dated around 500 women until I finally managed to find the one.

So simple and at the same time so difficult for most men.

And it is difficult because most men have practically close to zero choices.

The average male is happy if he finds 1 semi – beautiful woman to date per year. Thus… to have 500 dates, you will need around 500 years!

Wait, wait!

What is this nonsense I am talking about?

You will be dead long before you even meet your dream girl!

Patience my young padawan…

I will explain everything in one minute.

I simply wanted to show you that finding your dream girl has nothing to do with luck or mystical power. It has to do only with raw mathematics.

Thus, it is unlikely that it will happen if you are not an experienced seducer and have many choices with women.

But wait…

Your friend Joe says all this is bullshit. You don’t need to learn to flirt. These things just happen. He, for example, didn’t have to do anything to meet his wife. He just asked her out and everything went OK.

And do you remember his ex? At high school 7 years ago… Again, he liked her, asked her out, and everything went fine!

What your friend never understood is that these 2-3 girls he managed to get in his entire life came from pure luck.

The problem with the “luck model” is that not everyone will have luck on his side.

You will not meet many interesting women by chance, nor will you get them by doing random things.

Even if you get a so-so chick like that, you will probably divorce her because luck does not teach you how to treat a woman.

But even if you tolerate her crap and stay together, you will end up in a boring and miserable relationship like the 8 in 10 couples because again…

You don’t know how to behave with a woman.

So… let’s go back to the big question:

How did I manage to get so many dates? Am I a small celebrity, ultra handsome, rich, or something like that?

No, no, and again no.

And to be totally frank I sucked immensely with women. The only reason I was able to date so many beautiful women is that I approached flirting like martial arts.

I trained for years until I became exceptional at it.

And I have done this because I wanted choices.

I realized that everything in life is a matter of probabilities and the more women you meet the more chances you have to find the one.

So, learning seduction and understanding women is an essential skill if you want to find the one!

And to learn this skill you must practice a lot and with many girls!

But, wait for a minute…

Wouldn’t the “one” be different?

How can you treat her like you treat other chicks?

Shouldn’t you treat her differently?

You can! If you want to lose her!!! Men do this bullshit every day and they destroy all the attraction the “special” girl has.

Thus, let me be clear on this…

Yes, the woman you care about will be different. But not as you imagine!

She will not have golden breasts, nor will it smell like Coco Chanel if she farts! You may want to believe that your woman will be a unicorn, but I will disappoint you.

The woman of your dreams will also be a woman! She will want to be seduced by a strong male like all other women. A male who knows how to handle her emotions!

So, if you want to find the one, get your ass to work and become a great seducer first.

If you want to learn more tips on how to change your mentality with women, go here and subscribe to my mailing list: