Dear Friend,
If you want to learn the history of my “dirty” past and pick up some tips on becoming great with women, then continue to read.
My life story is rather unusual as I lived as:
- A nerd that couldn’t get a girl even if my life depended on it.
- A miserable guy in abusive, toxic relationships.
- A great player that slept with a new hot lady almost every week for 3 years.
- And finally, a fulfilled, happy husband and father.
Here is my whole uncensored story:
In my teenage years, I was the most dysfunctional nerd you can imagine. I was strange and extremely introverted. I always felt angry, alone, and empty. And because I felt lonely, I tried hard to find a girlfriend, but nothing worked. No girl was ever attracted to me. After many rejections, I became seriously depressed. For 9 months straight, I did almost nothing but stay in my bed. It was like nothing had meaning in my life. Finally, after those 9 “dark” months, at age 17, I had enough and decided to do something.
I decided to change my life.
I swore that I would become successful with women, whatever the cost.
Boosted by my new irrational confidence, I began to flirt with girls again.
And then…
Nothing changed…
I continued to get rejected again and again by every woman I desired…
The Legend That Slept With 5,000 Women
My first big breakthrough came at twenty years old when I moved onto a beautiful Greek island, where I found my first job.
There, on this island, I accidentally found a legendary player. A man that claimed to have slept with around 5,000 women!
His name was Spiros.
He was in his early 40s, and was a tall and muscular man. He wasn’t rich nor extremely handsome, but he had a flood of sexy women always chasing him for some mysterious reason.
This guy was astonished at how ignorant I was about women.
Nevertheless, he saw my desperation and wanted to help me.
We became friends, and I began to learn his secrets. I saw things that I would never have believed to be possible. He had sex almost every day with a new lady. He seduced local girls, tourists without even speaking English, girls with a boyfriend or married women. All girls were magnetized to Spiros, and he made even the most elegant and beautiful women behave like his little bitches.
His influence had a massive impact on me. He changed my worldview completely. At that moment, I decided I would become a great seducer too.
And indeed, only a few months after I met him, I managed to do the impossible. I seduced a pretty woman and got her into bed! Getting laid was a gigantic step at this stage of my life.
I was excited about it, but my joy didn’t last long…
The girl I had sex with was a Dutch tourist. She left the island after a couple of days, and so did I. I was not needed at my job anymore, and I moved to Athens.
Psycho Chicks Make Great Sex Partners
In Athens, without the guidance of my mentor, I had a hard time attracting women.
I tried to flirt, but I repulsed nearly every girl I was interested in.
Almost every girl…
You see, I had some success too!
I had casual sex with a few women who had their “issues” and then ended up in a relationship with a real psycho.
She was hot, and the sex was amazing but… she made my life miserable. She mentally abused me, yet I stayed with her for 2 years! Why? Because I was desperate. I didn’t think I could find a beautiful girlfriend like her again, so I paid the price of my neediness. I lost myself in this relationship and became depressed. Finally, two years later, I had had enough and found the courage to throw this crazy chick out of my life.
After this tragic experience, I lost hope.
I began to believe that it was not my destiny to become happy with women.
Maybe I was deluding myself by trying to become someone else.
Maybe I should remain alone forever.
I convinced myself that I was a failure, and I should accept my destiny.
Why bother with chasing girls when the only thing you accomplish is to become more miserable?
There was no hope for me.
I began to escape reality by playing computer games and watching porn. I became overweight and discovered my love for alcohol. Only the sweet taste of alcohol made me forget how shitty my life truly was.
How I Got A New Sexy Girl Almost Every Week
During some nights, I simply couldn’t sleep. Those nights I used to take a walk along the streets. On one occasion, I stopped at a restaurant at 04:00 am and ordered some meatballs.
I couldn’t eat them.
The meatballs stuck in my throat.
Was that the way I should live?
I was 24 years old and had given up on life. Should my existence be this miserable and depressing experience?
That night, I couldn’t even eat.
Food was just a distraction.
A distraction to forget the pain within me.
To escape reality.
To forget that I had betrayed myself.
I had had enough misery and self-pity.
I was angry.
I was furious at myself.
I decided that I would change my life.
In the following days, I changed my diet, went to the gym, reduced alcohol, and dramatically reduced the amount of porn I was watching. Then I began to search for dating info on the internet and learned about the pickup communities. I read all the information I could find about seduction and bought a ton of products.
This didn’t help much however…
Finally, I thought about Spiros. Having him on my side helped me make real progress fast. So, I actively began to search for men that were good with women. As a result, I made many friends who were experienced seducers and learned everything I could. As you can imagine, I took every secret I learned from them and applied it to girls instantly. I spoke to 40, 60, even 100 women per week. I flirted with ladies at bars, clubs, restaurants, supermarkets, coffee shops, malls, the street, everywhere I could find an attractive girl, I flirted with her.
Do you want to know the result of applying the advice of these “Titans”?
For something more than 3 years, Ι lived my dream life. I went from one amazing date to another.
Often I had a new girlfriend every week.
Can you imagine that?
New sexy girls into your bed almost on demand and that for years!
I lived in paradise. I felt like the poor guy who suddenly became a millionaire.
And the funny part of the story:
Men noticed my success and came to me for help! And I happily showed them how to approach girls and seduce them.
All of those long years, I had been searching desperately for help, and now I was the one that was helping men to get chicks!
Life can be really crazy sometimes…
Player Lifestyle Vs Committed Relationship
After some years of playing Casanova, I became bored.
The more girls I seduced, the more the game lost its taste.
Finally, in my late twenties, I realized I was a “pussy junkie.”
I had sex with a hot woman, and then, after some days, I wanted a new partner. Conquering new girls was my drug. I had slept with more women than most men ever will, and still…
I was never satisfied.
I always wanted more to feel ok.
In the end, I realized that I couldn’t win this game.
I acknowledged that my path led to destruction.
I seemed happy and successful to strangers, but I often felt sad. And I felt sad because I was alone, even if I could seduce women easily…
At that point, I realized that I was a slave to my own ego.
A slave to my own fears.
You know, most players are terrified to commit. They don’t trust women. It is safer to have casual sex than to commit to something serious. A serious relationship is a “dangerous” place, and maybe you will end up hurt.
And that was exactly what happened when I tried to start a relationship in the past! Each attempt ended in failure and suffering.
Nevertheless, I decided to give it another shot.
I began to search for a woman that was a good candidate for a serious relationship, and indeed after 6 months (and many dates), I found a gorgeous girl that had the potential to become a great partner. In the beginning, it was hard for me to commit. I was good at seducing women, but I didn’t know anything about relationships back then. It was challenging to make the relationship work, but together we made it. My lady and I managed to build a loving and intimate relationship that most people who knew us were jealous of.
Finally, in 2018 we were married on a lovely Greek island and moved to stay there.
The years we spent together were the happiest and most beautiful of my life.
There is nothing compared to a healthy intimate relationship with the person you love.
My Mission
After this crazy journey, I felt like I had to give something back to the world.
So, I started OrdinaryTitan to share everything I have learned so far. Buddy, if you are alone and unhappy, I can show you the way:
- I can help you attract beautiful women
- Deal with your insecurities
- I can show you how to get a ton of casual sex
- Or how to find a girl that is marriage material
- And finally, I can help you build an extraordinary and healthy relationship
If you have any trouble with women, I probably know the answer.
Why am I saying this bold statement?
Because after my personal struggle, I know exactly how to overcome almost any problem with girls.
But where should you start?
Go to https://getyourdreamgirl.com/clm/ opt-in with you best email address today and you will receive the report “How To Spot Women Who Are Eager To Date You” for FREE and hundreds of e-mails with dating & relationship secrets!
Your buddy, Phoenix.