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Why should you even bother becoming good in seduction?

I mean, ok, you want to get laid, but is that enough?

Why give girls so much attention?

Why try so hard, in the end, isn’t that needy and a waste of time?


The problem isn’t actually getting sex.

It never was the issue in the first place. If your problem were merely that, you would go to a brothel and solve it.

The problem, my friend, goes much deeper.

Western civilization is going through an enormous crisis. We live in a culture of decline and decay. In this era, you will see many hilarious and abnormal things…

For example, women having extreme power and males being emasculated and feminized. Nobody is happy in this new world. Men are miserable because they have lost their testicles, and women aren’t happy either.

Because which female will be satisfied with weak and emasculated males around her?

Only some notoriously sick chicks are ok with that.

So, getting good with women isn’t about getting laid.

It isn’t about that at all.

Getting good at seduction and learning how to handle girls correctly is about being ok with your nature. It is about having power in your life. About feeling connected, loved, and respected. It is about being a real man.

Because think for a minute…

What you really crave is having power, love, and dignity as a man.

Don’t believe me?

Let me ask you some questions:

If you want to have some fun experiences, some casual sex with chicks but can’t, will you be ok with yourself?

If you want to find a good-looking and quality girlfriend but can’t get one because you have no choices, will you be ok?

If your girlfriend-wife castrates you and does what she pleases with you, will you be ok?

I don’t believe so…

You will have a feeling deep down in the stomach that you are something less than a man. You won’t be ok with your nature because you will have lost your balls. And most men in western countries have lost their balls because they have no choices with women. That is why I told you it is not about simply chasing chicks or getting laid.

It is about YOU.

Because you will never feel 100% male if you have “pussy issues”.

I meet many successful men with money that are terrible with girls, and all these dudes have massive insecurities because of this. If you don’t master this aspect of your life, you will never feel manly enough, even if you are successful in all other areas.


The journey to becoming good with women is a path to realizing your full potential. It is a journey to grow beyond the limitations our sick and decayed society put on men.

Real males are becoming rarer and rarer in the western world.

It is your duty to grow and become the best version of yourself.

It is your responsibility to become a strong and confident man in all aspects of your life.

And I will do everything I can to help you solve all your problems with women. So if you want me to show you the way to success and happiness with ladies go here and subscribe to my mailing list: