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When I began my career as a player, I needed weeks, even months, to seduce a new woman.

After I understood how the game was played, I reduced the time to just 2-3 dates in most cases.

Would you like to meet a new sexy girl and get her into bed in such a short period?

I still remember one occasion I did this with a gorgeous Czech girl.

I met her in a tourist office in Prague. I was talking with the lady in the office when I realized somebody entered the building. I turned my head to see who it was and I was astonished. Two young girls were standing near me. One of them was a little bit ugly, but the other was simply gorgeous!

She was a beautiful girl. Thin with small breasts and a nice round ass, had a very symmetric face, blue eyes, and blond hair.

She was like a little angel.

“I will bang you,” I thought.

I had to have this woman.

She was one of the most beautiful girls I had seen, and I was determined to get her.

I looked into her eyes and smiled naughtily.

I began to talk with the girls and asked questions about the city. I saw that they were communicative, and soon my friend came and joined the conversation.
We asked the girls if they wanted to show us some attractions in the city, and they agreed. They guided us around the city. We went to some stores and finally ended up in a cozy coffee shop. The name of the girl that had stolen my heart was Lara. The other girl, as I mentioned, was not so attractive, so my friend was bored.

For that reason, I took Lara’s phone number to arrange to meet her another time, and we left.

I called her the next day, and we met for our official first date alone.

But it wasn’t just an ordinary date.


I applied everything I had learned from all my previous dates to create a fantastic experience.

I wanted us to have a great time together, and we did.

Everything went according to plan, and she became more attracted to me. We moved closer physically, and the first kiss came spontaneously in a beautiful park.
I knew it was time to act.

I played everything in a move.

I found a reason to “lure” her into my hotel. She was hesitant at first, but I convinced her to follow me in my room for just a minute.

And as you can imagine, we stayed much longer than a minute in my room. From the moment the door closed, our fate was determined. I began to kiss her passionately and to remove her clothes one by one. I did that very slowly because I didn’t want to miss the chance to discover every inch of her perfect body.
But it wasn’t only her hot naked body that drove me crazy.

This woman had perfect skin.

I remember to this day the feeling of her soft and tasty skin…

She smelled so lovely you would want to have her naked, touch her, feel her, smell her and have sex all day.

I don’t know how experienced you are with women, but the feeling of meeting a gorgeous girl, seducing her, and have her naked on your bed in just two days, is one of the most fantastic feelings you can experience as a man.

The feeling of power you experience can’t be described, my friend…

And if you want a little help to achieve the same results with women go here and subscribe to my mailing list: