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I discovered poorn when I was 12 years old. From then until age 25 when I decided to do something about it, I have spent countless hours on this noble hobby.

They say that if you spend 10,000 doing something, you become a world champion at it. If that is the case, I think I am more than a world champion in jerking to poorn…

Yet, poorn wasn’t the only thing I was addicted to.

I developed the same obsession with food, and so I became overweight.

With alcohol and became an alcoholic for a period.

And finally, video games.

From a young age, it became obvious that I became addicted easily. I have a tendency to the extreme. I become obsessed with something and do too much of it. And because all my addictions were harmful, my life was shitty. 

However, instead of going for psychotherapy to deal with my crap, I did something else.

I decided to use my weakness to my advantage.

I started becoming obsessed with productive things.

Like becoming good at flirting with women, reading a lot of self-help books, watching seminars, and finally, I became consumed with writing.

These new obsessions helped me get my shit together, seduce gorgeous women, find my wife and make a lot of the green stuff.

My curse became my blessing!

So, I am asking you:

Why don’t you simply do the same?

Just take a moment and think:

Why not turn your addiction to bullshit to do something good?

Imagine if you had spent all the time you did watching poorn, to learn something important.

Like how to sell.

You would be a master salesperson now and have no facial issues.

Or to learn game.

You would have slept with the women you fantasize about and maybe even have found your dream girl already!

Everybody has 24 hours a day.

Successful people just spend their time wisely. On activities that matter, while the average person spends his time on crap.

Don’t fight with your bad habits.

Just start devolving new good habits.

That is it for today.

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