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I first started helping men become more successful with ladies back in 2014. Guys saw me approaching girls, they became impressed with my skills, and came to me for advice.

Because I became known in Athens as “the cold approach guy”, people assumed that approaching was my superpower. Hence, the most questions I got were about flirting with unknown chicks.

Ironically, cold approach is not my superpower!

Far from it!

Yes, I have met almost all the women I slept with that way. But I totally sucked at flirting with strangers in the beginning. I took a lot of time, effort, and sacrifice to become good at approaching girls.

My real superpower, in reality, is relationships.

I am a natural in relationships.  

It was hard for me to seduce a new girl, and I had to master it. But, I always knew exactly how to make a woman crazy for me after I had slept with her.

I didn’t need books or mentorship to learn it.

The girls I had a relationship with, even if it was a casual one, usually became obsessed with me automatically:

– I was never dumped by any woman, and always I was the one that broke up with all my girls.

– One affluent girl made me the heir in her will! She wanted me to take everything if something happened to her. When I learned about it, I became furious, and we went together to her lawyer and changed the will.

–  Another girl (a very attractive lady with high self-esteem and a horde of men always casing her) came to my home a few days after I broke up with her and wouldn’t leave if I didn’t give her another chance!

– A chick once told me to impregnate her before I would leave her so she could at least always have a piece of me with her!

– Many ex-girlfriends haunted me for years after I broke up with them. They called me, sent messages, asked me to see them again, cursed me, harassed my friends to get access to me, etc.

– My wife tells me regularly (after we have been together for 7 years) how lucky she is to be married to a man like me.

I am not giving you these examples to brag.

But I know that attraction fades away very quickly in almost any romantic relationship.

Even guys who are outstanding at seduction don’t know how to maintain attraction long term.

Because it is a totally different game.

And a difficult game it is.

So, if you too struggle to make your relationships work.

If you have no clue why women lose interest in you gradually, I can defiantly help you fix that.

One thing you can do instantly to make your girlfriend/wife more attracted to you is have a higher mission. You see, most men make the woman the center of their life. This always turns women off.

Your woman may say that she wants to be the number one priority in your life, but in reality, that is just a test. If you make her your main priority, you will see her gradually lose respect and attraction for you.

It is insane, but that is how things work.

Therefore, never make a woman the center of your life.

And the easiest way to never make a girl the center of your universe is to have a mission. A higher purpose you are obsessed with and fight for it. This will make your lady way more attracted to you long-term, I guarantee.

Of course, you can do many other things to make a relationship stronger and your woman hornier for you. So, if you want to learn more about the topic, don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter at the link below. There I will share with you all the secrets I know about women, seduction, and relationships.