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Once upon a time, I went with a friend to have some fun in a big club. 

That night I wasn’t very active. 

I stayed with my friend at the bar table, and we had a good time together until a lady drew my attention. 

We looked each other in the eyes for a while, and then I smiled…

And she smiled back at me…

This was everything I needed to see.

I made a sign with my hand and told her to come over. She was hesitant at first but complied because I insisted. She came very close to me and said something, but I couldn’t understand her because of the loud music. So, instead of losing our time trying to speak in this noisy environment, I touched her waist softly and slowly brought her near to me.

Without breaking eye contact, I brought her closer and closer and closer…

Until suddenly our lips met.

And we began to kiss passionately.

She was ok with it at first, but after a few seconds, she interrupted me, leaned to my ear, and said:

“You kiss me, but I don’t even know your name!”

I leaned to her ear and said:

“HI! I am Phoenix!”

and continued to kiss her.

After a while of making out, I told her to take her stuff and follow me. She went back to her friends, told them something, grabbed her bag, and we left the club together.


Does this story seem extreme to you?

Well, it is. 

But let me tell you something. 

When I first started flirting, I needed weeks or even months until I could go into bed with a new woman. After some time in the game, I realized that this was nonsense. You can actually escalate very fast if you know what you are doing. You don’t need to go on many dates until a girl gives you pussy. Of course, you can’t always escalate as rapidly as I did in the story above.

Only if all stars are aligned is stuff like this possible:

  1. You must be an experienced player
  2. Be in the right place
  3. And at the right moment  

Usually, you will need to go on some dates until you can get a girl into bed.

Yet, if you know what you are doing, you will be able to seduce ladies extremely fast compared to average guys. That is why you should dedicate some serious time to learning some decent seduction skills. It will change your life forever. You will live in an alternative reality compared to most men and do things normal guys only dream of.

While the average man is starving to death for pussy you will eat lavishly like a king. 

But, becoming a good seducer isn’t an easy task. 

It takes time, practice, and proper guidance.  

Especially today, where men are brainwashed by society to be wussies and behave in ways that repulse women.

Therefore, if you need any assistance in achieving your romantic goals, subscribe to my email list where you will receive hundreds of tips on flirting, dating and seduction.

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