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One day, I went for dinner with a wonderful woman. This girl was special. She drew attention everywhere we went. The men stared at her with amazement and the chicks with envy.

And this was something to expect.

That blonde lady was really hot. She was thin with big natural breasts and a tight killer ass. Her face was beautiful, and her green eyes were very seductive. 

She was simply gorgeous.

Long story short, we had a great time at the restaurant. However, things became awkward when the waitress brought us the bill. You see, I dated this girl for a few weeks, and she never paid for anything. For her, it was obvious that I had to pay her expenses every time we met. 

Now, I am the man and am ok to take care of my ladies but it drives me crazy when a woman tries to take advantage of me. 

I really can’t stand it when a chick thinks I must become her credit card because she gives me pussy. 

So, on that day, I purposefully hesitated to pay the bill to send her a message. I wanted to see if she would have the dignity to pay even for one time. However, she didn’t even stare at the bill! Instead, she behaved as if it didn’t exist and waited for me to pick it up. Because time passed and we stayed there like idiots doing nothing, I finally paid, and we left the restaurant.

When we went into my car, there was an awkward silence.

Yet, only after a few minutes, she couldn’t keep her mouth shut and started confronting me:

Blonde Hottie: There is something I want to talk about.

Phoenix: Yes?

BH: I saw your face back in the restaurant when you picked up the bill. 

Phoenix: Yes? And…

BH: I didn’t like it.

Phoenix: Why didn’t you like it?

BH: You know why.

Phoenix: Ok… We have been meeting for weeks, and I don’t remember you making a move to pay for anything. I mean, it is ok for me to take care of you and buy you dinner or coffee sometimes. I am the man. I get it and am ok with it. But I don’t like that you take it for granted that I must pay for all your expenses every time.

BH: Believe me… for having such a beautiful girlfriend, you have paid nothing.

Phoenix: I am sorry, sweetie, but you have found the wrong person if you are looking for a sponsor.

BH: Didn’t you just call me a whore?

Phoenix: No… You just called you a whore.

BH: I didn’t mean it that way.

Phoenix: Look, sexy girl… I like you. Not because you are pretty. You are not the first beautiful woman I slept with. I can find sexy arses elsewhere. I really like your personality but here is the issue. You have a simple day job, and I have one. So, if you want me constantly to pay for all your expenses, then come to my work and do half of my job. Ok baby? Let’s finish with the bullshit. Stop treating me like a credit card because I won’t be that nice to you anymore.

After this conversation, she left my car angrily. I went to my home, and after a few minutes, she called me and apologized. She said it was stupid of her to say such things and that she doesn’t see me as a credit card. 

Funny fact: After this incident, she changed her attitude completely. We began to argue because we both were eager to pay the bills!

Buddy look…

Sexy girls today have an easy life. They are given all sorts of advantages in life that their less-attractive peers haven’t. They get more jobs offers, better jobs, more dates paid for, more sugar daddies, less punishment for their bullshit, less discipline, and the list goes on. So, in the end, you do not have an adult, but a spoiled adult-child that is accustomed to getting what she wants for (more or less) free.

And if she doesn’t get what she wants, she will usually throw some shit on you as this tactic has gotten her what she wanted in the past.

Don’t accept this behavior.

Teach your girl to respect you and help her become a better person.

If she really likes you and has some dignity she will see that you are right and begin to respect you more.

And if not?


Better she disappears from your life.

You don’t want to be with a woman that sees you as a credit card anyway.

That is it for today.

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