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Today I have an important message to share with you.

It is powerful stuff that can transform your life, make you happier, and attract the woman of your dreams, so please read every word very carefully.

But first I have to ask you something:

Which woman can make you happy and bring some light to your shitty life so you can live together very happily forever after?

I will tell you right now which woman can do that:


If you have issues and aren’t happy with your life. And if believe there is a special girl out there. An angel that will come someday and take away your misery and pain, then I must disappoint you, my young padawan…

No girl has such magical powers.

Regardless of how attractive, great, lovely, or awesome, she is.

Because let’s be honest…

If you want to attract an amazing quality girl in your life, first you must…

Be ok with yourself.

Have a strong fit body.

Fix your financial issues.

Have an exceptional life you love.

Deal with your inner shit and daemons.

Know who you are and where you are going in life.

Have abundance with women and be able to date and seduce nice girls. 

Quality girls will notice that you are a successful man that is ok with himself, and that will attract them to you.

A few months after I met the girl that became my wife, she told me:

“You were doing great when I met you. I was doing great too, and together we have an even better life.”

That is how things work in real life. If you are ok with yourself, feel fantastic, and have your shit in order, you will find other people that are the same and prosper even more. 

That is the only way to find an amazing woman who will improve your life. That is how you will find your “dream girl.”

On the contrary, if your life is awful and miserable and your hope that someday a chick will come and save you…

I am sorry to disappoint you.

But what actually will happen is this: 

You will attract a girl that is miserable too and waits for a prince to save her. And because your life will be shit and you will wait for the other to fix it, you will end up more miserable and desperate. Then you will begin to blame each other for the situation, and in the end, you will break up as most couples usually do. 

Buddy, listen carefully:

No one is coming to save you and make you feel better. 

That is your own responsibility. 

This is one of the biggest secrets to success and fulfillment I can give you. 

That is for today.

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