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“How many dates should I wait until we have sex” is one of the most common questions I get.

And the quick answer is:

As fast as possible!

If you can fuck her on the first date, just do it.

You should (almost) never delay sex.


Because your relationship with a girl will change completely after you put your pleasure stick inside her. When you try to seduce her, she is in a position of power. Regardless of how badass, amazing, or alpha you consider yourself, you both know that you want something.

You want to taste her sweet vagina.

But if you get her pussy, you have gotten what you craved most, and now you are in a position of power.

Because (most) women want some kind of commitment, and now she is the one that has to work for it.

After sex, the dynamics change.

And you are in a position of power.

Regardless if most men don’t realize that because they put women on a pedestal.

I know you will protest. And argue that some girls are different. They are special. Relationship material. Should you sleep with these girls fast too?

Isn’t it better to wait until date 71 until you have sex with a “special” girl?


Definitely NO.




I want you to get something:

No girl is “special” until you sleep with her, are with her in a relationship for months, and she has proved her value to you.

A girl you flirt with can’t be “special.”

Only your neediness makes her “special.”

And in reality, how fast she will open her legs hasn’t so much to do with if she is a “good girl” or a “naughty girl.” Mostly it has to do with your value as a man to her and your seduction skills. An experienced player will seduce a particular girl way faster than the average man. The good girl that tortures you and gives you pussy after date 71 has given it to another man from the first date. Always remember that.

When I first started flirting with women, I needed many weeks until I got a girl. Then, after many years in the game, I needed only a few dates. Usually, I got sex on the second date, sometimes even in our first meeting.

And it is amazing to get in bed with a gorgeous lady fast.

Let’s be honest.

I know you, too, crave to have an attractive girl naked in your bed fast.

Therefore, never delay it because she is “special” or because you will insult her. You know, women are horny too! So seduce her fast and give her the pleasure she deserves.

That is for today.

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