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Today I will tell you two short yet bizarre stories that happened to me…

Story numero one:

One afternoon, many, many moons ago, I walked with a friend on the street in Athens, and we passed in front of a restaurant. 

I looked inside this restaurant and saw two young ladies enjoying their food. I exchanged eye contact with one of them, and she looked at me very sexually. I stood there for a moment and thought about what to do… This was really a difficult situation. 

I mean, what should I do?

Rush inside the restaurant and start talking to her?

It seemed too extreme to me at the moment, so I did nothing and continued walking. 

However, only a few seconds later, I heard a girl shouting at us:

“Sorry guys, please stop!”

I turned around and was surprised to see the girl from the restaurant!

She approached me nervously, told me that she found me handsome, and asked for my phone number to arrange a date! This was the first time in my life that a woman approached me on the street, and I was amazed. And she was actually decent looking. She wasn’t a model but was a thin, normal-looking girl. So, I gave her my number with joy. We chatted a little, and she went back to her friend. After a few days, we went on our first date, which ended in having sex in my home. 

Story numero two:

Another time, I was inside my car waiting for a traffic light to turn green. While waiting, I realized that another car with loud music came next to me and somebody inside this car was staring at me. I felt alerted for a second because it was night and turned my head to see who was looking at me. To my surprise, inside that car, I saw three lovely young chicks dancing, chatting, and staring at me naughtily. They whispered something, and then the driver turned towards me and said:

“Hi! My friend in the backseat finds you attractive. We will go to Bournazi (an area in Athens nearby with many bars) to have a drink. Will you join us?”

As she said that, I saw the girl in the backseat blush and turn her head down from shyness. 

I couldn’t believe what was just happening to me. 

Three sexy girls invited me to join them for the night.

Yet, the moment this happened couldn’t be worse for me. I had just broken up with a girl I loved, felt terrible, and really wasn’t in the mood for new chicks. 

When I am in pain, I just want to be left alone. 

Therefore, I denied their invitation politely, told them to have a nice time, and when I saw the lamp turn green, I left. 

Besides these two incidences where girls approached me, do you want to know how many other times in my lifetime women came to me and asked me out?


Should I say that again?


You see, if you are just an average-looking dude (like me), not ultra-rich, or a celebrity, it is unlikely that girls will chase you. 

Ok, it might happen once or twice in a decade, as it happened to me, but in general, you can’t count on that.

Women will NOT come to you…

It will not happen.

And you will stay alone for a long time if you are passive. 

Therefore, if you want to have some conquests as a man and go to bed with sexy ladies. Or want to find a gorgeous, quality girl to start a relationship with.


You must take action.

Massive action if you want great results. 

You must approach women, flirt, and seduce them.

It is your job. 

Because if you don’t do that, you will end up alone and miserable, masturbating for many years. There is no way around it, and if somebody told you otherwise, then he is a liar.  

That is it for today.

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