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Read this article very carefully.

Read it very carefully because it could literally save your life.

Today I will share with you a real story from my exotic little Greek island.

The story is about Matthias, a Swedish guy, who came to my island for a vacation with his lovely wife, Birgitta.

They had a great time in my kingdom, and two days before leaving the island, they met another Swedish couple, Mike and Emilia, who stayed in the same hotel. The other couple suggested going to a bar nearby altogether, but Birgitta didn’t like bars and alcohol. So, she decided to go to her room and left her husband to go with the other couple at a bar.

Poor wife…

Little did she know that her decision would change their life forever…

Matthias had a nice time with the other couple in the bar, but after a few drinks, Emilia began to flirt with him! He was surprised to see her behaving like that in front of Mike, but Emilia explained that Mike wasn’t her boyfriend.

He was just a friend.

So, it was ok for her to flirt!

At this point, I want to share with you another important fact.

Emilia was hot.

Really hot.

She was a blonde sexy girl in her early twenties, so Matthias completely forgot his wife and began to play with her.

And as time passed by, their “innocent” flirting escalated in kissing and touching.

After a few hours and many drinks, they left the place, all three together drunk, and went straight into the room of Emilia and Mike.

There Emilia began to take her clothes off and stayed totally naked in front of the guys. She explained to Matthias that she felt better that way, and Mike confirmed that she used to be naked inside their room. As you can imagine, Matthias was so turned on that he took his clothes off too and began making out heavily with Emilia. At the same time, Mike went to the balcony to give them some space… The lovers lay down on Emilie’s bed, and Matthias touched her. Then he proceeded to put a finger inside her honeypot, but unfortunately for him, that was the only thing he managed to stick inside her.

You see, he was drunk, and his small anaconda didn’t cooperate with his wishes that night. Frustrated and horny, he began to jerk off while watching Emilia’s naked body and came fast.

And as it usually happens with men, when the mickey mouse creams, the brain begins to function again.

So, at this moment, he realized that his beloved wife was just a few rooms away sleeping.

He suddenly felt guilty and ashamed.

He dressed up quickly and left the room, going for a walk on the beach to process what had just happened.

He walked alone on the beach for a while, but Mike came to find him shortly after. He came to inform him that Emilia was screaming in her room like crazy. She said that Mathias had raped her and that she would call the police!

Matthias froze.

He was paralyzed by fear.

Only a few rooms close to Emilia was his wife sleeping peacefully.

What would he tell her?

What would he tell the police?

Could he trust the police in a stage country?

Would they believe him that he didn’t rape this crazy bitch?

He panicked.

He rushed into his room, woke up his wife, and told her that they must leave the country immediately. He told her they were in danger and that he would explain everything to her when they reached the plane. Brigitte, confused and scared, did as he said and didn’t ask many questions. They went straight to the airport and booked a flight to leave Greece immediately. As they went to the passport control, and an officer checked their documents, they became really anxious…

Fortunately, they passed without a problem.

Relieved, they went close to their gate and sat there waiting for their flight to arrive.

Brigitte began then to ask questions and pushed Matthias to tell her the truth.

However, she didn’t have much time to get her answers…

Suddenly, she saw two policemen approaching. It seemed that these officers were searching for something. When the policemen came close to them and asked them to show their passports, they froze.

The offices asked again, and the couple hesitantly gave their documents.

Then the police officer had a look at their passports, paused for a few seconds, and asked them to take their luggage and follow him. Afterward, the policeman took his handcuffs off and said that Matthias would be arrested because he was accused of rape.

Brigitte couldn’t believe what had just happened.

It seemed like a bad dream to her.

Was her husband a rapist?

Matthias could never do that.

Why was he accused of such a terrible crime?

Long story short, Matthias spent the next 5 days in a dirty small cell together with some criminals. Brigitte stayed in a hotel nearby and realized that her 7-year marriage was a lie. She couldn’t believe that her husband raped Emilia, but why did she accuse him?

Her thoughts made her crazy.

After the 5 days had passed, Matthias was released from the cell, but he had to stay in Greece for another 40 days for his final trial. Then he went to court, where he was proved innocent. Everything he did with Emilia was with her consent. Nevertheless, his life was ruined after this experience. He lost a lot of money to lawyers and maybe his lovely wife.

What can you learn from this story?

Flirting can be a dangerous business sometimes and cheating even more.

I flirted with thousands of women so far, but I never had trouble with any lady.


Because I didn’t cheat.

And because I always knew the dangers of flirting and seduction in our anti-masculine, pro-feminist world and always knew how to protect myself.

And the first rule of flirting with strangers is never to touch a girl that is drunk. Many women were horny for me and drunk. I never tried to have sex with them. Instead, I took their phone number and told them I would call them another day.

Did I lose many opportunities that way?


But I never was accused of doing something to a woman without her consent.

Better to lose some pussy man than to end up in prison because some crazy bitch will assume that you did something to her while she was drunk.

That is for today…

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