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In my life I have been:

-A simp that couldn’t get laid.

-A miserable guy in toxic relationships.

-A player that slept with a new girl almost every week.

-And finally, a fulfilled, happy husband and father.

I have a lot to share from my long journey and here are 19 of the biggest lessons on seduction & women (and life) I have learned:

  1. There is NO verbal game.

Men believe they can’t get laid because they don’t know what to say. In reality, verbal game is only 7% of your commutation, while non-verbal is 93%. So, be smart, focus on improving the 93%. A man’s eye contact will say way more than 1000 words.

  1. Game is NOT always enough to seduce a lady.

-The timing matters.

-The context matters.

-Her taste in men matters.

-Her friend’s opinion matters.

-Her past experiences with men matters.

-Being rich, famous, or handsome matters.

Game is necessary, but it isn’t always enough.

  1. No woman can be seduced exactly like another one.

This is real life. Human interactions are dynamic, unpredictable, and unique. To believe that there is an ABC system to seduce any girl is ignorance at best. In the end, not all ladies are the same.

  1. YOU CAN become a badass with ladies.

I was once the most pathetic seducer you could imagine. Despite this, with hard work and great mentors, I seduced more gorgeous women than I would ever dream of. You can do it too, brother. But first, you have to believe it.

  1. She will become attracted to you because of who you are, not what you will do or say.

Men try to learn tricks and shortcuts that will make women interested in them. Instead of spending your time with BS, just aim to become better every single day.

By becoming better, I mean:

– Become wealthier.

– Build a great social life.

– Become more confident.

– Have many life experiences.

– Overcome your inner daemons.

– Improve your style and grooming.

– Build a stronger and healthier body.

  1. Do you want more dates? More sex? Ok, flirt with more women.

If I could give just one piece of advice to my 20-year-old self, it would be to talk to way more women. Approaching 100 women and getting rejected will teach you more about women than reading 100 books

  1. Approach anxiety paralyzes you because you haven’t approached enough women.

If you have approached 10 women, it will hurt to approach another 1. But if you have already approached 1,000, you won’t give a f*ck to approach another 1. 

In the end, you will forget all women you approached and weren’t interested in you. You will only remember the girls you didn’t claim because you were a coward.

I guarantee you that.

  1. The number one attraction killer for ladies is neediness.

The needier you are, the less attracted she will be. Being needy is like stinking like sh*t. It doesn’t matter what you do or say. You will repulse her.

How can you become less needy?


Have more options.

  1. Ignorant men listen to what women say, experienced men watch what women do.

A woman’s words have little value. She might say one thing to you but do exactly the opposite in a minute. Don’t focus on her words. Focus on her behavior.

  1. The secret hidden law of attraction

People hate me for this…

But it is true, and I must tell you the truth. You attract not what you want but what you are. If you have issues, you will attract girls with issues. To attract quality women, become a quality man first.

  1. Every man must have experience with women before he settles.

Marring the wrong woman can destroy your life. Become good at seduction, sleep with beautiful girls, wait until you are 30, and then choose your life partner.

But, even then, before settling, test her hard…

  1. A lot of the stuff you see on the internet is BS.

Theoretical nonsense from people with little real-life experience. Many “experts” don’t know what they are talking about. Have as many life experiences as possible, and test everything you see on the screen.

  1. Ladies chose and some will never choose you.

It doesn’t matter how handsome, rich, or awesome you are and how great your game is. Some women will never sleep with you. Just accept it.

  1. If you meet girls only online, you miss a lot.

You have only a limited understanding of women and seduction. By flitting in real life, you get:

– Brass balls.

– Social skills.

– Observation skills.

– Higher quality women.

– More attractive women.

  1. If you want women to respect you, have boundaries and always protect them.

It doesn’t matter if she is a stranger, your girlfriend, or the wife you have been married to for 20 years. Women, like children, will try to violate your boundaries.

DON’T let them.

  1. One stupid thing can ruin your life forever.

You might:

-Get a serious disease.

-Be accused of rape and end up in jail.

-Impregnate a woman that will make your life hell.

Be always careful and protect yourself every time you have casual sex.

  1. Women aren’t everything.

It is hard for a young man or someone who can’t get p*ssy to get it. Yet, it is 100X MORE critical for you to learn a skill that will bring you a high income in the future. Flirt with girls, but never neglect to build your wealth. 

  1. Having sex with hot girls is great, but…

For everything, there is an end.

Flirt, seduce, f*ck, have fun.

But know when to stop. Nothing will bring you greater joy and fulfillment than settling in a relationship with the RIGHT woman and starting a family.

  1. Having the right mentors is the biggest game changer.

If I hadn’t met 5 great seducers, I would never have become as successful as I became. Finding the right mentors will save you years of struggle, help you avoid a lot of pain, and save you a ton of money.

That is for today.

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