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I walked once on a small street near Syntagma square in the center of Athens.

As I was walking slowly, I saw a woman passing nearby that drew my attention. That girl wasn’t only attractive… she was also very classy and had an amazing style. You could tell from her appearance that she was an affluent young lady that took extreme care of herself. 

And this kind of woman drives me crazy… 

I never really give a shit if a chick had money, but that aristocratic look turns me really on.

So, without hesitating a minute, I approached her, and we began to talk:

Phoenix: Hi! Can I ask you something?

She: Please, how can I help you?

Phoenix: I will be honest with you. I just saw you walking, and I had to talk to you because I find you gorgeous!

She: That is nice… thank you! Unfortunately, you came too late…

Phoenix: Why did I come too late?

She: Because I am engaged, and tomorrow I will marry my man. Actually, I am here to arrange some things for my marriage tomorrow.

Phoenix: Then… I suppose I came too late indeed. 

She: Yes… but do you know something? What you did, the way you did it, was amazing. Not many men today have the courage to do that. Please continue to do it because men must claim what they desire, but unfortunately, only a few have the courage to do it. Men are afraid of women. But you came so nice and determined and approached me. It was just great.

I know that at this point, many men will say that this woman was testing me. 

Let me assure you, they don’t know what they are talking about. 

Not everything in life is a test. 

This lady wasn’t testing me.

She had zero erotic interest in me.

Believe me…

After so many years in the game, I know exactly which woman I can seduce and which not…

This girl was just imprested and felt amazing about how I approached her and shared how she felt with me. For that reason, I didn’t push the interaction. Instead, I wished her the best in her marriage, kissed her hand respectfully, and left. 


I want you to think about the things she said.

Men are indeed pussies today. 

They are afraid of women.

And don’t have the balls to claim what they want.

They are so much in their heads worrying that women will reject them, or sue them, or that aliens will kidnap them if they speak to a chick that they do nothing. 

Or, when they take action, they do it the wrong way. 

Like approaching women in ways that are strange or insulting. 

But if you speak to girls the right way, you have nothing to worry about, and most women will be nice to you even if they aren’t interested. 

That has been my experience after approaching thousands and thousands of women.


Girls are very intuitive. 

They will respond to you according to the way you make them feel. So if you can make them feel great and safe, they will be open to you. And generally, you will have a fantastic experience talking to women. 

But how do you make them feel great and secure, you might wonder…

Well, there are a lot of things you can do.

One simple thing is to smile. 

Just give the girls you approach a big warm smile.

It is so easy, but many men don’t do it. 

They are way too serious because they think it is masculine and makes them look mysterious.

In reality, they just seem creepy and frighten women. 

Stop being serious man. 

Flirting is a GAME. 



Have fun. 

And everything will be easier. 

That is it for today.

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