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Do you want to know why it is wonderful to live in Greece?

The number one reason for me is summer.

Greece is a large peninsula with 227 inhabited islands, and you are close to the beach in almost every part of the country.

Therefore, regardless of how busy my schedule is, every summer, I am on a beach 3-4 times per week. With that said, it isn’t a big surprise that I often go to the beach for a date with a new girl. Like one time, when I met a gorgeous girl from Eastern Europe. I approached this lady in a mall in Athens, and we went on an instant date. Unfortunately, I can’t remember her name anymore.

Anyway, I proposed to her to go for our second date on a beach that was only 30 minutes away from the city, and she happily accepted.

Going to the beach for a date has a few great benefits:

– It is a different more fun experience than a common date in a coffee shop or restaurant.

– You can see how hot her body really is.

– You can escalate fast.

Long story short:

I went with this girl to the beach, and I was pleased when I saw her in a bikini. She had a nice thin body with big natural balloons.

The only problem with her was that she was shy. Things progressed painfully slowly. It seemed like she wasn’t in a hurry to do “spicy things” with me.

Until we went together in the water…

You see, once inside the water, I become deadly as a shark! I have the perfect excuse to play and touch a woman.

So, by using some sneaky and extremely effective techniques, I made the shy girl horny, and things escalated fast with us making out heavily inside the sea.

When we were about to leave, we went to the cabins nearby to put off our swimsuits. I suggested going together with her to the same cabin, yet she hesitated… She accepted only when I promised I would keep my eyes closed and be a good guy. However, I broke my promise and opened my eyes when she took off her bikini. She had such amazing breasts… it was impossible to resist them… So we ended up making naughty things inside that cabin.

And when we exited the cabin, she was confused.

She never had done something so fast with a guy and couldn’t believe it. She was sure it would take multiple dates until sex.

Yet, she was proven wrong.

Moral of the story?

Girls have their agenda, and you should have yours.

You will get her fast if you know how to turn a woman on.

Things can escalate rapidly, and sex can happen anywhere. You just need to be open-minded and skillful enough.

That is it for today.

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