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A dating guru once said there isn’t a need to flirt with many women. Instead, you can simply be persistent with the women you already know! This guy claimed that after a girl rejects him, he continues hitting on her again and again and again…

In one instance, he asked a woman 22 times for a date until she said yes to him! 


I have heard many stupid things in the dating space. 

This advice must be one of the biggest BS I have ever heard from a dating expert, and let me explain to you why:

Before I started approaching girls, I had access to only a few clicks. This was really one of the darkest periods of my life. I hoped that one day, somehow, one of these women would see me sexually and decide to date me. 

I was at the mercy of those few chicks.

I didn’t really have any choice. 

I felt so weak and desperate. 

Please tell me, why should a man with dignity do that to himself voluntarily? 

Just to avoid talking to new women? 

Even if one of the women you hit a gazillion times decides to date you, how do you know that she will be a got match for you as a partner? 

And if you can’t stand her after you become a couple, what will you do?

Spend another 14 months alone and beg 324 times the other 5 girls you know to date you?

I mean, it is ridiculous.

And it is pathetic.  

This tactic will only make you needy and desperate and crush your self-esteem. Being persistent is ok, but limiting yourself because you are lazy or afraid of approaching new women is not.  

I know that talking to new girls is difficult. 

I, too, ate dirt and shit in the beginning. 

No woman was interested in me. 

Yet after a while, I began to date a few of the girls I approached.

And this changed my life forever. 

It liberated me. 

Because for the first time in my life I could choose.  

I had power. 

If a girl wasn’t attracted to me, I found another woman who liked me. Because that is how things work, one woman may not like you, but another woman (who could even be prettier than the first) may like you very much. 

Why spend your time and energy on the first one? 

Look, the truth is that experts say shit like “you don’t need to approach women,” simply try to kiss your ass.


They are lying to you and say what seems pleasant.  

In reality, if you want to build courage and abundance in your life, you must do the dirty work. If you want to be a strong man who dates and seduces beautiful women on your terms, you have to flirt with a lot of girls. There is no way around it. Stop searching for magic pills and do what you must to succeed. 

That is for today.

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