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Do you make any of the following mistakes that slaughter attraction and make you repulsive to ladies?

Today we will examine 7 stupid behaviors. I have made all of them myself in the first years of my “Casanova career.” However, I realized early on that they repelled women and stopped doing them.

Let’s see these devious mistakes one by one:

You try to “Convince” Her to Like You

This is the most common mistake smart guys make. Because you are used to thinking logically, you may think that flirting logically is a good idea. So, you try dialectic to convince a girl that you are a great choice for her, that you are a man she should be attracted to.

Poor you…

It is easier to persuade a dog with arguments to eat broccoli than a woman to become interested in you! That is how ridiculous it is to use logic to get a woman. 

Sexual attraction has absolutely nothing to do with logic. You become attracted to somebody because the most primitive parts of your brain dictate so. And these parts can be influenced only by emotions, never by logic. Using logic to a woman can even harm attraction seriously, and that is why many intelligent and high successful males have a problem getting pussy.

You are Trying to Get Her Acceptance

You like a girl, but you don’t know what to do to make her horny. So you try to win her by being nice and doing her favors. You pay for everything. You accept her shitty behavior. You listen stoically to her nonsense. You may let her even humiliate you in some cases…

I still remember the story of a “nice guy” who tried hard to get a girl by doing everything she asked. Then, one day this woman told him to pick up another dude (with whom she had sex) from the airport, and he did so! 

Buddy, listen to me…

The only thing you can achieve with this kind of behavior is to show how desperate you are for pussy. You lower your value and the only reason she will ever spend time with you is to take advantage of you. 

Don’t do that to yourself.

You Brag About Yourself

Never brag to impress a woman.

Don’t say how cool you are, what you have achieved, how much money you make, etc.

By behaving like this, you may get the interest of some low self-esteem women or gold-diggers. Yet, that is not the kind of girls you want to deal with. Usually, with bragging, you demonstrate how arrogant and, most importantly, how insecure you are. And this will make most pussies drier than the Sahara desert.

You are too Predictable

If you ask the average girl what she feels on a regular date, she will tell you that she is bored. Bored because men have no clue about how to flirt. Because they don’t know how to make her feel emotions. Because most guys behave in a similar way.

Now, I want you to stop and think for a minute.

How predictable are you really?

How easily can a girl guess what you will do in the next minute?

How likely is it that she has seen this kind o behavior a hundred times again?

Always remember…  

Women have a lot of options. The girl you are flirting with has dated many men before you, and she has seen a lot.

You Pretend to be Her Girlfriend

Many men hide their desire because they don’t have the balls to claim a lady like a man. So, they pretend to be friends with the woman they like. By behaving that way, they can be in the proximity of a girl and hope that she will recognize their value somehow in the future. 

And then she will fall in love with them.

Please don’t be like that. 

This kind of behavior is pitiful and disgusting.

And the only thing you will accomplish is to be seen as her girlfriend. 

Because think for a minute. She feels that you are dishonest and insecure insecurity. She thinks that you are weak. You want her, but don’t dare to claim her. How sexy is it to be an unconfident liar? 

Not that much, and that is why men who pretend to be a woman’s girlfriend usually never get pussy.

You Take Her too Seriously

Listen to me carefully. 

No matter how smart and “different” she is, no woman wants a man to take her 100% seriously. She may say that she wants to, but that is not the case in reality.

I know, 

I know…

I can already hear the feminazis throwing stones at me because I am a misogynistic pig! 


If we forget about political correctness for a minute and have an honest look at real-life…. we will discover that the most successful men with ladies don’t take them too seriously. 

Funny, is it so?

You Let her Play with your Emotional State

How easily can a woman manipulate your emotions?

Are you feeling like a small god whenever she gives you any attention?

Then, your world crumbles because she becomes a little bit distant and cold?

Maybe she didn’t reply to your message, and you are thinking about it all night long while crying under your bed covers…

If you behave like that, know that you will always have problems with women. 

Not only in the attraction phase but in every phase. 

This mistake goes hand in hand with the number 6 we discussed previously. Because it is impossible to remain unaffected when you take what women say or do too seriously.

Know one thing:

The man that a woman can influence the easiest is also the least sexy to her eyes. On the contrary, the one who is not that affected by the fluctuations of the female psyche is the one who makes her panties wet.

That is it for today.

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