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How To Kiss An Unknown Woman Without Talking To Her

How To Kiss An Unknown Woman Without Talking To Her

Once upon a time, I went with a friend to have some fun in a big club.  That night I wasn’t very active.  I stayed with my friend at the bar table, and we had a good time together until a lady drew my attention.  We looked each other in the eyes for a while, and then...

Into Bed With a New Girl in Just Two Days

When I began my career as a player, I needed weeks, even months, to seduce a new woman. After I understood how the game was played, I reduced the time to just 2-3 dates in most cases. Would you like to meet a new sexy girl and get her into bed in such a short period?...

How To Get In Bed With Extremely Hot Women

“Good evening! My biggest problem with women is that I can’t get the really hot ones. I can flirt, and I have sex, but not with the women I really like. I lose their interest even if at the beginning they are attracted to me”. I received this message from one reader...