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How to Get Hot Girls Even With a Crappy Game

What if you had the abilities of Professor Xavier from X-Men and could read the mind of all women around you? How easy would it be to approach a girl if you knew for sure she was attracted to you? How easy would it be to sexually escalate on a date if you knew that...

Magic Words that “Hypnotize” the Female Mind

I once believed that I didn’t get ladies because I was a lousy communicator. As an introvert, I always had a problem speaking to people, and if you are like this, it is challenging to get pussy, right? Because I held this belief, I went to a dating guru and applied...

#1 Secret to Get one New Date Almost Every Week

At age 19, I stumbled upon the number 1 secret to get as many girls as your dirty fantasy desires. Unfortunately, it wasn’t till 6 years later that I realized just how powerful this secret is. But before I get into that, let me introduce myself because I am sure you...

Alpha Males, Santa Claus, and Cheating Women

You don’t have the women you desire because you aren’t enough “alpha”, right? The day you become a “true alpha male,” all your romantic problems will disappear. Girls will chase you like flies a piece of poop, and you will have anything you want in life. Correct? The...

The Obvious Place Where All Hotties Are Hiding

The biggest problem is that you can’t meet many hot interesting women. If you live in a big city, you probably have a small social circle and anti-social working hours. Thus, finding new dates is difficult. That’s why one of the most common questions I used to...

Why “Nice Guys” Shouldn’t Get Any Pussy

I admit it, I am guilty. For many years I committed the greatest crime: I was a “nice guy” too! I saw women as fairy tale princesses, put them on a pedestal, and kissed their arses. I thought that men who wanted only sex were animalistic, “immoral” and...