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My Friend’s Girlfriend Hits On Me

My Friend’s Girlfriend Hits On Me

Once upon a time, I received a call from a girl. This chick was, at the time, the girlfriend of one of my friends. She wanted me to help her organize a party for my friend’s birthday. And because I had some experience at parties, she asked me to meet her at her home...
Why Flirting Bootcamps Are Crap

Why Flirting Bootcamps Are Crap

I still remember how anxious I was the night before my first buttcamp. I could hardly sleep. I thought that the next day my romantic life would change forever… My experience with the dating coach was actually a positive one. He was very helpful and taught me some good...
Spartan Mercenary Commander Shows How To Attract Women

Spartan Mercenary Commander Shows How To Attract Women

During the first Punic war, Carthage lost every single land battle to Rome. When the Romans landed their legions near the capital and began marching towards the great city of Carthage, the situation became really hopeless.  All this time, the Carthaginians were...