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Why All Good Women Avoid You Like The Plague

Why All Good Women Avoid You Like The Plague

I got a message from a guy who complained that all women avoided him. He approaches girls frequently, he tries to flirt, but chicks avoid him like the plague! The poor guy was confused and didn’t know what he was doing wrong… He was doing “ok” in other areas of his...
Treat Women Badly, And They Will Love You For It

Treat Women Badly, And They Will Love You For It

When I was young and inexperienced with women, I treated pretty girls like goddesses. I tried to be super kind and did everything in my power to please them. Unfortunately, no woman seemed to appreciate this.  Despite every chick telling me that I was a nice guy, they...
The Big Attraction Hoax

The Big Attraction Hoax

One of the greatest seduces I ever met, and one of the five Titans of Seduction (the 5 legends that influenced my game the most), was Spiros.  Spiros was big and magnificent. He was like the Hulk.  A tall, muscular man that never lost a chance to flirt with women....
7 Common Mistakes that Kill Attraction and Repulse Women

7 Common Mistakes that Kill Attraction and Repulse Women

Do you make any of the following mistakes that slaughter attraction and make you repulsive to ladies? Today we will examine 7 stupid behaviors. I have made all of them myself in the first years of my “Casanova career.” However, I realized early on that they repelled...