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I felt very uncomfortable around people when I was young.

To get an idea of how shy I was, I always tried to avoid speaking to the neighbors as a teenager. One of the things I always did to make sure I didn’t come face to face with them was to stay a few seconds behind the front door before exiting my house. I stayed there and listened carefully to see if someone was walking on the steps of the condominium!

With that mindset, it wasn’t surprising that I had only a few friends. But I didn’t care! I preferred to mostly spend my time alone and do introverted activities like reading and playing computer games.

Yet despite my antisocial nature, for the next 10 years, I would:

– Be almost every day out doing social activities.

– Travel alone in feign countries, approach unknown strangers, and make them my buddies. 

– Approach unknown hot ladies in every possible situation and seduce them. I became so good at this game that a man who once saw me approaching a girl successfully was so amazed he said I was the most charismatic person with people he had seen!

– Have more than 100 people attended my 26th birthday party.

Not bad for an introverted guy hiding behind his door as a teenager to avoid people!

Isn’t it so?

On one occasion, I was in a coffee shop with one of the most extroverted guys I had ever met in my lifetime (his social skills were phenomenal. He could make almost every stranger his friend in a matter of minutes). This guy laughed at me when I said that I was an introvert. He just couldn’t believe it because he knew how comfortable I was around people.

Little did he know that my skills weren’t natural but that I acquired them with hard work over the years…

And that spending so much time with people drained my energy.

In reality, social activities make me tired, and after a few hours, I have to go back to my cave and stay alone to recharge my batteries!

Because that is how we introverts are.

While extroverts get energy from interacting with people, we get our power in isolation from others.

I am totally comfortable with being alone for days and speaking to nobody.

I am totally fine with that.

Because that is how I am by nature.

Yet, despite this, I managed to do crazy extroverted stuff, as I described to you a few minutes earlier.


Because I wanted badly to become great at flirting with women.

That was my motivation, and it helped me overcome every obstacle in my way.

I simply did what I had to do to succeed.

Therefore, if you believe that you are an introvert and it is difficult for you to meet girls, or if you have some other “disadvantage” that makes attracting girls difficult…

Just stop thinking about it.

Stop and do what is necessary to get what you want.

It doesn’t matter what the obstacle is.

What matters is the will to win.

The will to succeed.

If your will is strong enough, you will crush all your limitations and get what you want.

That is it for today.

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