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Be cautious about the prophets you follow.

There are many dating gurus out there with poisonous teachings.

Their rhetoric might appear impressive, but they lead you to the cliff with mathematical precision.

For example, when I first started my journey with women, I followed a dating guru that was great at picking up girls but had a sick mentality. He hated women and treated them all as sluts. He claimed that you can’t trust women and that all will cheat or take advantage of you.

And sure, many girls will do these things, but to generalize that all women are like that is insane.

It is self-destructive.

If you trust nobody and never really connect with any girl, you will be lonely and miserable, which happened to this guru. After a while, you could see in his face that he became more and more bitter and depressed, and in the end, he disappeared completely.

Another guru I followed claimed that he knew how to have serious relationships with many women simultaneously.

To achieve that, he lived parallel lives and lied to every woman he had a relationship with!

As a newbie, I thought that was the right way to do it, but soon I had a strange feeling in my stomach. I didn’t want to continually tell lies or worry whether I had hidden the indications that I was with another girl the previous day.

Plus, I realized that by behaving like this, I attracted only problematic girls into my life.

Because let’s be honest…

Girls aren’t stupid. If you sell them a relationship but bang other girls simultaneously, they will sense it. You might claim that you are very busy with your work, but women are very intuitive creatures. They feel that something is wrong. Only mentally disturbed chicks or girls with low self-esteem will stay if you behave like that.

A mentally healthy woman with some dignity will catch your crap and send you to hell fast.

Of course, it is another case if you have an open relationship.

But to pretend to have a monogamous relationship and deceive the girl is simply being a charlatan.

But Phoenix, you might wonder, how can I know for sure if the guru I am following is full of shit? How do I even know that I can trust you? Maybe you are full of shit!

And you are right to ask so.

Jesus was asked once a similar question from his apostles, and he gave the following answer:

“One will be able to identify false prophets by their fruits. False prophets will not produce good fruits.”

What fruits do the teachings of your guru produce?

Do they lead you to become bitter, hateful, or a liar?

If yes, then you should throw his teachings into the trash.

On the contrary, if he helps you become happier, more loving, or more true to yourself, that this is a dude you should follow.

That is it for today.

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