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Women Do NOT Love Bad Boys

Women Do NOT Love Bad Boys

How often have you heard the phrase “women love bad boys?” And that “nice guys finish last?” In reality, women aren’t attracted to any of these types. Instead, girls desire men with certain characteristics that cause attraction, like appearance, confidence, social...
All Men Are Pigs

All Men Are Pigs

I knew a girl once that had broken up with her boyfriend. After she became single, she became bitter and hostile towards men. She started speeding a lot of time with some other single unhappy chicks, and together they talked trash about men all day long: “Men don’t...
Top 10 Characteristics Of A Great Wife

Top 10 Characteristics Of A Great Wife

NEVER choose a girl as your wife because of love. Love is great, but it isn’t enough for choosing your life partner. Most marriages end in divorce or miserable couples who stay together because of the kids. Therefore, be careful and pick your wife because: She...