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You don’t have the women you desire because you aren’t enough “alpha”, right?

The day you become a “true alpha male,” all your romantic problems will disappear. Girls will chase you like flies a piece of poop, and you will have anything you want in life.


The problem is…

There is no such thing as a “true alpha male.”

Not in the real world.

It is a fairy tale.

A myth created by some dudes in the dating industry.

The “alpha male” is no more real than Santa Claus.

How do I know this for sure?

Because I love to study history and biographies of great men. I have never found a man with all the characteristics an alpha male supposedly has. Even the greatest men had insecurities, fears, were afraid on many occasions, and were incapable of doing certain things. In other words, they were human like you and me.

And do you want to hear something more disturbing?

Sit down please…

Many great “true alphas” (presidents, kings, millionaires) have been cheated on by their women! Google it, and you will find many “spicy” stories…

What the fu##!!!!

How can that be possible? This stuff can’t happen to “real alphas”! Women crave the alpha! Or that was what you were told by many dating gurus at least…

Ok, let me ask you one last question:

What exactly are the characteristics of a “true alpha” anyway?

Let me guess…

You don’t know?


I will tell you why.

Because there is no such thing as an absolute “alpha male”.

If you search the internet, you will find a ton of definitions of what an alpha is. This happens because everybody farts characteristics from his imagination and constructs his own “ideal alpha male.”If you look closely at men who are considered alpha, you will find many similarities and a lot of differences. What I am trying to say to you is you shouldn’t chase ghosts. Don’t try to be something because X guru told you it is “alpha.”

Instead, be simply you.

You are unique.

You can’t become somebody else.

Truly understand yourself and simply aim to grow your strong points.

That will bring you more success with pussy.

Not to copy some characteristics some stranger wrote on the internet.

Sure, a lot of “dating gurus” tell you, “Only alpha males attract girls and if you aren’t like them you won’t get laid.”

But what if you put a gun to my head and asked me to seduce a particular girl. How would I behave to maximize my chances to accomplish that?

You can bet your booty I wouldn’t try to “behave like an alpha.” I would simply show my best self, display zero neediness, be bold and I would listen to her carefully so I can connect with her. I might even reveal some flaws of my character!

Because only if I am real can I connect with the lady and play my best game.

She won’t be attracted to me because I pretend to fake something. It never works. And all the time I pretended to be an alpha or behave like an alpha, the women have been repulsed. I did this crap in the past, and it had terrible consequences. I attended an expensive dating seminar, and the guru there told us, “the way to get laid is to become an alpha male.” He showed us a list with all the characteristics of a “true alpha.” I took every word seriously and tried to be like that. Like the imaginary alpha on his list.

The result?

For 6 straight months, I couldn’t get any date. Before that, I got some dates on occasions, but when I tried to behave like an alpha, I repulsed every woman.

And it was normal. I was fake. I tried to emulate something imaginary, and it had backfired.

Buddy, let me tell you this…

The only girls that finally jumped into my bed were those who liked my unique personality.

Not someone I was pretending to be.

Stop pretending to be someone you aren’t and embrace who you are. Embrace yourself with all the positive and negative aspects of your personality. Permit yourself to be human. Love yourself. Then, work on yourself each day to become a better version of yourself.

Become the most fucking awesome version of yourself!

That will bring you the greatest success with women and life in general.

Enough for today…

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