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Do you want to know why your girl could cheat on you?

Do you want to avoid the humiliating and painful experience of catching your “princess” naked in someone else’s arms?

Then, read this article carefully multiple times.

Because it can really save your relationship.

Here are the 7 main reasons women cheat:

You lost your balls in the relationship

You found a girl you liked and then relaxed. You let her manipulate and change you. As time passes, you become weaker, softer, and more complacent.

Never, ever do that.

Always be the strong bastard she fell in love with in the first place.

You just don’t listen to your girl.

Women need to be shown emotional affection.

Perhaps more than anything, they need to feel loved and desired. 

Pick up the subtle cues when she is unhappy or has a bad day. Your woman wants you to give a f*ck about her and show it.

You don’t satisfy her sexual needs. 

All women have a dark sexual side than needs to be fed. Even the shyest and “innocent” girls. 

I know you love your girl and think she is special.

Yet, never forget to f*ck her like an animal and to fulfill her dirtiest fantasies in bed. Because if you don’t, someone else will.

You have betrayed her.

Revenge is one of the most common reasons women cheat. 

I don’t care how “alpha” or “awesome” you are.

If she catches you f*cking other girls, or doing something else terrible to her, the chances of her making you a cuckold skyrocket.

Her sex drive is higher than the Liberty Statue.

Some women have a huge sexual appetite. They need a lot of sex often, and they need a lot of variety. 

You can’t win the game with these women if you are a normal guy. Even if you can satisfy her needs in the beginning, long term, you won’t.

She has no moral inhibitions.

If your girl is a self-centered little bitch that cares only about herself, she will cheat on you someday. 

Be careful to choose a woman with strong traditional values and ethics as your girlfriend or wife. 

These girls are rare today but are worth as gold.

She is too insecure.

Some women have low self-esteem and are very insecure. These girls need a lot of validation. It doesn’t matter if you do everything right to make them feel secure. 

They still need more validation.

And this can backfire terribly when they encounter a man who knows how to play with their insecurities.

These, my buddy, are the 7 main reasons women cheat. Many dating experts say that being an “alpha male” is enough. Women will never cheat on you. Of course, this advice is bullshit. And the proof is that way too many great men have been cheated by their wives. If you just go on Google, you will find many spicy stories. This happens because women cheat for many reasons. Being an “alpha” isn’t enough. Life isn’t that simple.

That is for today.

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