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I have made a lot of mistakes in my dating life.

Some because of my stupidity.

And some because I followed common wisdom.

Today I will focus on the second category of mistakes. I will talk about 5 common mindsets that will ruin your success with women.

You might even believe all 5 if you’ve been listening to some of the fools out there.

They’re wolves in sheep’s clothing.

They sound wise but they are crap in reality.

#1- Relationships happen naturally. Just wait, and it’ll happen.

Some chick in the past told this shit, and many men tend to believe this. “It will just happen!” No, it won’t. If you are a woman with a nice ass, you can use the passive “waiting strategy” because hordes of men will chase you. But if you are an average man and do nothing, you will end up masturbating for the next 20 years because nobody will chase you.

#2- Girls like bad boys.

You try to behave arrogantly with women because the secret to seduction is being a bad boy, right? Sorry to disappoint you, but girls don’t like bad boys because they are jerks. They want them because they are strong, confident, mysterious, etc. If you are a weak guy and a jerk at the same time, guess what happens?


#3- You can get any girl you want with a good game.


You can get a ton of girls with a good game, but some women will never get into bed with you. Never. Even if you become a billionaire and the greatest seducer of all time, some girls will never sleep with you. Period. So, don’t spend a long time chasing a girl that isn’t interested in you. She might never become whatever you do.

#4- Online dating will solve all your pussy problems.

You can hide behind your computer screen in your old dirty underwear and get many girls to come over to your home for some fun, right? I am sorry to disappoint you, but online dating is fantastic if you’re physically attractive. If you are an average looking guy like me, your success will be limited at best. You have more chances to get hot girls in the real world. Why is that? Because in the real world, you can use various weapons to seduce women, while online, you play mainly with looks.

#5- The seduction process can be analyzed scientifically.

A lot of dating gurus claim that their system has a “scientific background”. They talk so much about it you wonder if they have any real-life experience outside their fantasy theories. Look pal… There is no precise mathematical formula to get laid. The gurus who make these claims, do it to get some credibility. If it were a scientific formula to get sex, scientists would have got laid like crazy, but that doesn’t happen in real life. Human behavior and interactions are unpredictable and unique. You will never find success with women if you try to follow some “mathematical 37-steps system”. That will only make you appear robotic and awkward.

These are some poisonous mindsets that will hinder your success with women.

If you believe anything like that, I suggest you throw these opinions in the trash.

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