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A coaching client once asked me the following question:

“I agree that women make the first move by showing their interest via eye contact. But let’s say I walk in the street and see a woman and she doesn’t notice me. What can I do in this situation? Should I simply approach her blindly without any attraction indicator?”

Getting some sign from a girl before approaching her is the best thing that can happen. If you see a woman staring at you with desire, then the chances of approaching her successfully skyrocket.

I always tried to make eye contact with every girl before approaching her. However, this wasn’t always possible. 

Especially during daygame situations.

In those cases, I did the following…

I asked myself:

Is this a woman I really would like to date?

If the answer was yes, I simply went straight to her boldly, showed my interest, and tried my best. If she wasn’t attracted to me, I had nothing to lose after all. On the other hand, if she is interested, I may get a new date with a gorgeous lady! 

I never tried to play tricks or tell BS in a situation like this because girls aren’t stupid. 

If you land in front of a woman suddenly and start talking to her without any valid reason, she will immediately get that you are attracted to her. 

Therefore, there is really no reason to hide your interest and play silly games. I know that many dating experts won’t agree with me, but think for a minute…

If you didn’t see any interest indicator from an unknown girl, the chances are that she won’t be interested in you. I know this fact sucks, but it is the truth. 

Therefore, why lose your time by playing games and saying silly things? 

Just ask yourself if you really like her and if the answer is yes…

Approach her fast, 

Show your interest, 

Play your best game, 

And if she doesn’t respond well…

You just lost 2 minutes of your life but built bigger balls and gained some valuable experience. In reality, you have nothing to lose, and in the worst-case scenario, you will gain some valuable experience.


Don’t make things complicated. 


Flirting and seduction, like most things in life, are simple.

Just talk to the women that you find very attractive.

That is for today.

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