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I knew a girl once that had broken up with her boyfriend.

After she became single, she became bitter and hostile towards men. She started speeding a lot of time with some other single unhappy chicks, and together they talked trash about men all day long:

“Men don’t appreciate a good woman.”

“They cheat.”

“They are all pigs.”

“blah blah blah…”

As time passed by, her life didn’t improve, and she realized she had depression.

So, she decided to visit a therapist.

She complained to the doctor that she felt alone and wanted to feel loved and appreciated, but she didn’t trust men. She was “unlucky” and always ended up with the wrong guys.

The doctor listened carefully to her complaints and suggested she should spend less time with her single friends. Instead, she should make new friends with women in a great relationship or marriage and spend more time with them.

She didn’t like the doctor’s idea because she liked to spend time with like-minded people but agreed to do it anyway.

She met some women that had happy relationships with men.

The result of spending time with them?

After some months, she became a different person.

She felt less depressed and started to see men more positively. People who knew her noticed the change and told her she was more attractive, sweet, and fun to be around. And a few months later, she even found a new amazing boyfriend with whom she fell in love.

This woman got what she wanted because she decided to spend more time with people that already had what she desired.

Now, I am asking you:

How are the people you spend your time with the most:

Are they successful in the areas of life you want to succeed?

If you have trouble attracting and getting quality women, are they good at these things?

Be careful, my friend.

Because you become your environment.

If you spend too much time with men that don’t understand or hate girls, you will end up exactly like them:

Alone, miserable, and depressed.

My romantic life began to change when I made new friends who were successful with ladies. It changed because I started subconsciously adopting their positive beliefs and behaviors about women and life.

That is one of the biggest secrets of success in any area of life.

Therefore, start to search for new friends that have what you desire immediately.

That is it for today.

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