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When you look around at people, what do you see?

Happy faces? Full of vitality and joy for life?

Or miserable, angry, scared, and desperate people?

I bet that you see the second, and it is worth looking at why this is happening…

Most men today are miserable because they:


Have no mission

How many of the men you know in your circle have a purpose in life? How many of them have planned their future 5-10-20 years from now and are consciously moving in this direction?


No one;

So, when you have no goal and just go where the wind takes you, do not wonder why your life is shit and why you feel bad.

Remember: A man without a mission is a man without testicles. And a man without a mission can’t be happy.


Focus only on what makes you happy in the present, even if it will screw you longterm

Take, for example, the many miserable, unhappy 40-year-old women that live with their cats. Once upon a time, their youth and freshness were their strongest weapons. The men lined up behind them and were ready to satisfy even their most absurd demands for a little attention.

What did they do all these years? Did they take advantage to find a quality partner and build their lives as biology dictates?

Of course not…

Why bother?

After all, a quality male has standards that they do not want to meet. A quality relationship requires work, and they don’t want to move their lazy asses.

They are free, sexy, and beautiful and can do as they please.

They sleep randomly with whatever jerk comes their way because it is easy to behave carelessly like an animal.

And now that the time has passed and their appearance has begun to fade, what is left? An empty and uncultivated human being that never learned to do something serious with her life.

But of course, it’s not her fault! Men are to blame for being pigs, assholes, etc.

Are you guilty of this sin too?

Do you put your temporary joy above your long-term happiness?


Let fear control you

 How many opportunities have you missed in your life because you were scared? How many women passed in front of you (women that you craved to meet), but you let the fear stop you?

We all have fear. Do you think those who are good with women are not afraid? If you believe this, I assure you:

Even the best that has slept with a thousand women has fear.

Still, they go.

They accept fear as normal. They control it and do what they have to do to achieve their goal. And because they take risks, they are rewarded. In contrast, the man who hides in his shell like a turtle will be hurt and suffer for a lifetime. He will never have what he desires, and this will destroy him psychologically.

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