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Some women cheat.

Regardless of if there is a problem in your relationship or not, they will cheat.

Because that is how they are.

Here are 10 stubble signs that are strong indicators your girl may be unfaithful:

She is way too fresh when she returns home

If your woman smells fresh like she has taken a shower when she comes back home, then guess…

Maybe she has taken a bath somewhere to cover all evidence she has done “dirty” things with another man.

She works longer hours

 Many women who cheat choose someone close to them as their lover.

Often it is a colleague.

So, if she suddenly starts working 60 hours a week instead of 40, she might just be “logging” in those 20 extra hours on someone else’s pay sheet.

She’s paying more attention to her appearance

It’s nice to imagine that your wife tries re-spark the fire in your relationship, but if you have been having problems for a while, then that’s probably just wishful thinking.

Maybe she just tries to be beautiful for someone else.

She accuses you of cheating

Ironically enough, some women who cheat will project their guilt onto you.

Often in the form of the blame game.

It’s manipulative because they get so upset during the conversation, and you start to think they hate cheating and would never do it to you when in reality they have done it already.

She is suddenly super happy

It’s always suspicious if her mood skyrockets for absolutely no reason. Sure, certain life events can be exciting, but no woman becomes ecstatic and stays that way without reason.

It is wise to watch out if you see your sweetheart too excited. 

You smell another man’s cologne on her

If you smell a male’s perfume on her clothes, hands, or neck, then watch out.

Maybe this other mysterious man didn’t only put his cologne on her.

She becomes obsessed with her privacy

Most cheaters communicate with their lovers via social media or email.

So, if her phone is always on silent, or she’s gone from privacy-conscious to paranoid about you touching her phone or laptop, she is probably trying to hide something.

She says she’s unhappy

Listen to your girl when she tells you that she’s not happy.

Women are very emotional creatures.

If you don’t satisfy her emotionally, she may think an affair is acceptable.

She is bitching less about you

It may seem a huge relief if your girl suddenly doesn’t complain or criticize you anymore.

Yet, if this behavior change has no logical explanation, it may indicate that she doesn’t give a shit about you anymore.

And that she met someone else more exciting than you.

The sex with her becomes phenomenal

This is counterintuitive, but if you see your girl become more interested in sex with you…

And do stuff in bed she never did in the past. This could mean someone else opened her appetite for “spicy” things.

Of course, all these indicators are just indicators. You don’t know if your girl cheats on you or not. Therefore, you don’t kick her ass out of your life nor confront her.


You better are careful and search if there is something more than just indicators.

And always remember:

If your little princess cheats on you, it is always your fault because:

  1. You didn’t screen for the right woman.
  2. You behave in a way in the relationship that pushes her to cheat.

That is for today.

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